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Names That Mean King

1309 names found for "King"   (page 10 of 27) 

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Looking for names that mean King? We couldn't find the exact name King, but listed below are some first names meaning King or names similar to the word King.

Similar Names

Kong | Kunz | Kianga | Kanga |

Related Names

Edgar  (English)
Fortunate and Powerful. from the Old English Name Eadgar, a Compound of 'Ead' Meaning Rich or Happy, and 'Gar' Meaning Spear. Famous Bearer: King Edgar of England; American Author Edgar Allen Poe
Edgar  (Shakespearean)
'Tragedy of King Lear' Edgar, Son of Gloucester
Edmund  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, ' Earl of March. 'King Henry Vi, Iii' Edmund, Earl of Rutland and Son to Richard Plantagenet. 'Tragedy of King Lear' Edmund, Bastard Son to Gloucester. 'King Richard the Second' Edmund
Edward  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard Iii' Edward Iv. Also Edward, Prince of Wales, King's Son and Later Edward V. 'Henry Iv, & ' Edward Poins, an Irregular Humorist. Also the Son of Richard Plantagenet. 'King Henry Vi, Part
Edward  (English)
Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Name Eadweard, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Guardian. Famous Bearer: King Edward the Elder, Son of Alfred the Great; Edward Viii, Who Abdicated in to Be With the D
Edwy  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Egbert  (English)
Intelligent. Old English 'Ecg', Meaning Sword, and 'Beorht', Meaning Bright. Famous Bearer: King Egbert of Wessex, Who Held Sway Over All the Kingdoms of England for a Short Part of His Reign
Egbert  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Eileen  (Greek)
Variant of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One. Helen of Troy, Whose Elopement With Paris Sparked the Trojan War, Was the Daughter of Zeus and Wife of Menelaus, King of Sparta
Ekaveer  (Hindu)
A King of Chandravamsha
Eleanor  (French)
A Variant of Helen Introduced into Britain in Th Century Ad by King Henry Ii's Wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine
Elesh  (Hindu)
Elimelech  (Biblical)
My God is King
Elin  (Norse)
Daughter of the Russian King Boleslaw
Elinor  (Shakespearean)
'King John' Queen Elinor, Widow of King Henry Ii and Mother to King John
Elizabeth  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard Iii' Elizabeth, Queen to King Edward Iv
Ellema  (African)
Milking a Cow
Ellie  (French)
Diminutive of Eleanor: a Variant of Helen Introduced into Britain in Th Century Ad by King Henry Ii's Wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine
Ellmelech  (Hebrew)
God is King
Elric  (Latin)
The King
Elrick  (English)
The King
Elrick  (Latin)
The King
Elrod  (English)
The King
Elrod  (Latin)
The King
Elrod  (Hebrew)
Variant of Elrad: God is the King
Elroi  (African American)
Variant of Elroy: the King
Elroy  (African American)
The King
Elroy  (English)
The King
Elroy  (French)
The King
Elroy  (Latin)
The King
Elroy  (French)
Variant of Leroy: the King (From 'Le Roi'). Originally a Surname, it is Now More Common As a First Name
Elvis  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Alvis: Origin Uncertain, But May Be from Scandanavian Meaning All-wise. Alvis Occurs in Norse Mythology. Famous Bearer: Late 'King of Rock and Roll' Elvis Presley
Ely  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Bishop of Ely. 'King Richard Iii' John Morton, Bishop of Ely
Emblem  (French)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily, from an Old German Variant of Emmeline
Emblyn  (French)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily, from an Old German Variant of Emmeline
Emelin  (Teutonic)
Hard Working
Emelina  (Teutonic)
Hard Working
Emeline  (French)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily, from an Old German Variant of Emmeline
Emeline  (Teutonic)
Hard Working
Emelyn  (French)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily, from an Old German Variant of Emmeline
Emilie  (Teutonic)
Hard Working
Emiline  (Teutonic)
Hard Working
Emily  (Latin)
Hardworking, Ambitious (Amelia, Em, Emma, Emaline, Emmaline, Emeline, Emiline)
Emily  (Teutonic)
Hard Working
EmIyn  (Teutonic)
Hard Working
Emmaline  (German)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily
Emmaline  (French)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily
Emmalyn  (German)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily
Emmalyn  (French)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily
Emmeline  (German)
Hardworking. Variant of Emily
1309 names found for "King"   (page 10 of 27) 

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Additional Names

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