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Names That Mean Lind

254 names found for "Lind"   (page 2 of 6) 

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Looking for names that mean Lind? We couldn't find the exact name Lind, but listed below are some first names meaning Lind or names similar to the word Lind.

Similar Names

Lundy | Lunt | Lynd | Landa | Linda | Lindi | Lindie | Lindy | Luned | Lynda |

Related Names

Cecillo  (English)
Variant of Cecil: Blind (From the Roman Clan Name Caecilius). Famous Bearers: the African State of Rhodesia is Named After British Statesman Cecil Rhodes; American Film Producer/Director Cecil B. De M
Cecillus  (English)
Variant of Cecil: Blind (From the Roman Clan Name Caecilius). Famous Bearers: the African State of Rhodesia is Named After British Statesman Cecil Rhodes; American Film Producer/Director Cecil B. De M
Cecily  (English)
Variant of Cecilia: a Feminine Form of Cecil, Derived from the Roman Clan Name Caecilius, Which is Based on the Latin 'Coccus' Meaning 'Blind'
Cecily  (Latin)
Blind. Famous Bearer: the Blind St. Cecilie, Patron Saint of Music, Was a Talented Musician
Cecily  (English)
Blind, Dim-sighted; a Feminine Form of Cecil. (Seh-sil-lee)
Cecily  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Cedl  (Latin)
Cedlio  (Latin)
Ceil  (Latin)
Abbreviation of Cecilia: Blind
Cele  (Latin)
Abbreviation of Cecilia: Blind
Celia  (Latin)
Celie  (French)
Variant of Cecilia - Blind
Celinda  (Latin)
Variant of Celia or Selena. One of Seven Mythological Daughters of Atlas Transformed by Zeus into Stars of the Pleiades Constellation
Celio  (English)
Variant of Cecil: Blind (From the Roman Clan Name Caecilius). Famous Bearers: the African State of Rhodesia is Named After British Statesman Cecil Rhodes; American Film Producer/Director Cecil B. De M
Chelinda  (Arthurian Legend)
Tristan's Grandmother
Chelinde  (Arthurian Legend)
Tristan's Grandmother
Cicely  (English)
Variant of Cecilia: a Feminine Form of Cecil, Derived from the Roman Clan Name Caecilius, Which is Based on the Latin 'Coccus' Meaning 'Blind'
Cicilia  (Latin)
Blind. The Blind St. Cecilie, Patron Saint of Music, Was a Talented Musician
Cicily  (English)
From the Latin Cecilia: Blind. The Blind St. Cecilie - Patron Saint of Music - Was a Talented Musician
Cili  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Cecilia Blind
Cili  (Hungarian)
Cuthbert  (Scottish)
Bright, Famous; Compound Name Derived from the Old English Elements Cuo, Cuth (Known) and Beraht (Bright, Famous). The Name Was Borne by a 7th Century Saint from Lindisfarne. Pet Name: Cuddy
Dal  (Irish)
Variant of Dallin 'Blind.'
Dalan  (Irish)
Variant of Dallin 'Blind.'
Dallan  (Irish)
Dallen  (Irish)
Variant of Dallin 'Blind.'
Dallin  (Irish)
Blind. A Saint's Name
Dallon  (Irish)
Variant of Dallin 'Blind.'
Dalon  (Irish)
Variant of Dallin 'Blind.'
Daphnis  (Greek)
Blinded for His Infidelity
Demodocus  (Latin)
A Blind Bard
Demodocus  (Greek)
A Blind Hero
Erlene  (Spanish)
Shield. from the German Name Herlinde
Erlina  (Spanish)
Shield. from the German Name Herlinde
Ermelinda  (Teutonic)
Ermelinde  (Teutonic)
Eth  (English)
Diminutive of Ethel: from the Old English 'Aethel' Meaning Noble. Also a Diminutive of Etheldreda, Ethelinda, and Other Feminine Names Beginning With Ethel-. Famous Bearer: American Actresses Ethel Me
Ethel  (English)
Diminutive of Ethelinda: from Aethelind, the Old English Name Meaning Noble Snake. Diminutive of Etheldreda, from the Old English Name Aethelthryth, Meaning Noble and Strength. Diminutive of Eldreda f
Ethelind  (Teutonic)
Ethelinda  (German)
Noble Serpent
Ethelinda  (Teutonic)
Ethelinda  (English)
From Aethelind, the Old English Equivalent of an Old German Name Derived from Athal 'Noble' and Lindi 'snake'
Ethelinde  (German)
Noble Serpent
Ethelinde  (Teutonic)
Glinda  (Welsh)
Fair; Good
Hoder  (Norse)
A Blind Son of Odin
Hodr  (Norse)
A Blind Son of Odin
Hodur  (Norse)
A Blind Son of Odin
Jocasta  (Greek)
Shining Moon. Jocasta Was the Mother and Wife of Oedipus; Once Oedipus and Jocasta Learned That Their Marriage Was Incestuous, Oedipus Blinded Himself and Jocasta Committed Suicide
Josalind  (English)
Modern Blend of Jocelyn and Rosalind
254 names found for "Lind"   (page 2 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Ursula | Albern | Jerrin | Kirsty | Mangalesh | Raktavira | Ahuva | Abdur Rahim | Hilary | Zephath | Bertrand | Fontanne | Bidkar | Orland | Nakia |