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Names That Mean Lind

254 names found for "Lind"   (page 5 of 6) 

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Looking for names that mean Lind? We couldn't find the exact name Lind, but listed below are some first names meaning Lind or names similar to the word Lind.

Similar Names

Lundy | Lunt | Lynd | Landa | Linda | Lindi | Lindie | Lindy | Luned | Lynda |

Related Names

Melinda  (Latin)
Melynda  (English)
Blend of Melissa and Linda
Melynda  (Greek)
Blend of Melissa and Linda
Milind  (Indian)
honey bee
Mindie  (English)
Abbreviation of Melinda
Mindy  (English)
Abbreviation of Melinda
Mindy  (English)
Abbreviation of Melinda
Morag  (Latin)
Odelinda  (Anglo Saxon)
Little Wealthy One
Olinda  (German)
Defender of the Land
Olinda  (Latin)
Form of Yolanda
Olinda  (Latin)
Olinda  (Spanish)
Ros  (Spanish)
Diminutive of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Ros  (German)
Diminutive of Rosamund: Noted Protector; Horse Protector. Also a Diminutive of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'; or Beautiful, Pretty Rose
Rosalind  (Shakespearean)
'As You Like It' Daughter to the Banished Duke
Rosalind  (Teutonic)
Beautiful Serpent, Confiding, Affectionate, Idealistic
Rosalind  (Spanish)
Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Rosalind  (German)
Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Rosalind  (Spanish)
Fair Rose
Rosalind  (Latin)
Lovely Rose (Rosalie, Rosaline, Rosalina, Rosalyn, Reselynda, Roslyn, Rosalinda)
Rosalind  (Hispanic)
Pretty Rose
Rosalinda  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Rosalinda  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Rosalinde  (Spanish)
Rosaline  (Spanish)
Fair Rose, of Rosalind
Rosaline  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Rosaline  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Rosalyn  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Rosalyn  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Rose  (Italian)
Rose (Roe, Rosalie, Rosa, Rosalind, Rosalina, Rosella, Rosette, Rosie, Roza, Rozalie, Ruzha, Rosalia, Rosana, Rosita, Rozina, Rosetta, Rosemary, Roselani)
Roseline  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Roseline  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Roselyn  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Roselyn  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Roslyn  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Roslyn  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Roz  (Spanish)
From the Name Rosalind
Selia  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Sheelah  (Irish)
Irish Form of Cecilia: Blind
Sheila  (Irish)
Irish Variant of Celia, from Celius, a Roman Clan Name. Also a Form of Cecilia: Blind
Shelagh  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Shelagh  (Irish)
Variant of Sheila: Irish Variant of Celia, from Celius, a Roman Clan Name. Also a Form of Cecilia: Blind
Shiela  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Silka  (Latin)
Silke  (Latin)
Silkie  (Latin)
Sisamai  (Biblical)
House, Blindness
Siseal  (Latin)
Tiresias  (Greek)
A Blind Seer
254 names found for "Lind"   (page 5 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Carilynne | Bolodenka | Isham | Gionnan | Minerva | Zia | Hunter | Alina | Naiara | Samara | Tarfah | Rikard | Zedekiah | Douglas | Vayu |