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Names That Mean Ling

457 names found for "Ling"   (page 2 of 10) 

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Looking for names that mean Ling? We couldn't find the exact name Ling, but listed below are some first names meaning Ling or names similar to the word Ling.

Similar Names

Lang | Lange | Leng | Liang | Linc | Link | Linus | Long | Linka | Linzi |

Related Names

Bahir  (Arabic)
Bahira  (Arabic)
Bahira  (Muslim)
Dazzling. Brilliant
Baina  (African)
Barclay  (Scottish)
The Scottish Spelling of the English Surname Barkeley, Meaning Birch-wood or the Birch Tree Meadow
Bard  (Irish)
Variant of Baird: Bard; Travelling Musician/Singer
Barde  (Irish)
Variant of Baird: Bard; Travelling Musician/Singer
Bari'ah  (Muslim)
Barr  (Irish)
Variant of Baird: Bard; Travelling Musician/Singer
Basaam  (Muslim)
Variant of Basam: Smiling
Basam  (Muslim)
Baseem  (Muslim)
Variant of Basim: Smiling
Baseemah  (Islamic)
Smiling One
Basim  (Islamic)
Smiling (Bahsim, Bahseem)
Basim  (Muslim)
Basimah  (Muslim)
Bassam  (Islamic)
Bayerd  (Irish)
Variant of Baird: Bard; Travelling Musician/Singer
Bayrd  (Irish)
Variant of Baird: Bard; Travelling Musician/Singer
Berta  (Teutonic)
Bertha  (Teutonic)
Beth-baalmeon  (Biblical)
An Idol of the Dwelling-place
Beth-baalmeon  (Biblical)
An Idol of the Dwelling-place
Beth-meon  (Biblical)
House of the Dwelling-place
Beth-meon  (Biblical)
House of the Dwelling-place
Bette  (French)
A Diminutive the Hebrew Elizabeth: My God is Plentiful. Also Used As an Alternate Spelling of Betty. Famous References - American Actress Bette Davis
Bhavana  (Indian)
feelings, sentiments
Bhavana  (Hindu)
Feelings, Sentiments
Bhavdeep  (Hindu)
Light of Emotions or Feelings, Composite of Bhav and Deep .Bhav = Emotion or Feeling, Deep = Light
Blenda  (Latin)
Dazzling Bright
Bolingbroke  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' Roger Bolingbroke, a Conjurer. 'King Richard Ii' Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Hereford, Later 'King Henry Iv'
Brodny  (Slavic)
Person Dwelling Near a Stream
Cadis  (Greek)
Candance  (Greek)
Candice  (Greek)
Candida  (Latin)
Dazzling White. Bright, Glowing White. Derived from the Feminine of the Latin Adjective Meaning White. Famous Bearer: George Bernard Shaw's Play 'Candida'
Candide  (Latin)
Dazzling White
Candy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Candida: Dazzling White. Bright, Glowing White. Derived from the Feminine of the Latin Adjective Meaning White. Famous Bearer: George Bernard Shaw's Play 'Candida'
Cara  (Italian)
Dear, Darling
Carena  (Latin)
Little Darling
Cari  (Spanish)
Abbreviation of Caridad Meaning Dear; Darling. A Star in the Orion Constellation
Cariana  (Latin)
Little Darling
Carin  (Latin)
Keel; Little Darling
Carina  (Latin)
Keel; Little Darling
Carine  (Latin)
Little Darling
Carinna  (Latin)
Little Darling
Carling  (Gaelic)
Variant of Carlin: Small Champion
Carling  (Gaelic)
Little Champion
Carol  (English)
Manly, Strong. A Variant of Charles; from Carolus, the Latinized Form of the Name. Famous Bearer: Pope John Paul Ii's Real Name is Karol Wojtyla. Karol is a Variant Spelling of Carol Used in Several E
Carrina  (Latin)
Little Darling
457 names found for "Ling"   (page 2 of 10) 

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Additional Names

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