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Names That Mean Ling

457 names found for "Ling"   (page 4 of 10) 

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Looking for names that mean Ling? We couldn't find the exact name Ling, but listed below are some first names meaning Ling or names similar to the word Ling.

Similar Names

Lang | Lange | Leng | Liang | Linc | Link | Linus | Long | Linka | Linzi |

Related Names

Darlena  (English)
Darling. from the Old English 'Dearling'
Darlene  (French)
Little Darling
Darlene  (English)
Darling. from the Old English 'Dearling'
Darlene  (French)
A Little Darling (Darla, Darline)
Darlina  (English)
Darling. from the Old English 'Dearling'
Darline  (English)
Darling. from the Old English 'Dearling'
Darrea  (Greek)
Luxurious, Wealthy, Queenly (Alternate Spelling of Daria)
Darrel  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'. Also a Variant of Darrell
Darrell  (French)
Darrell  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Darrill  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Darrol  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Darryl  (English)
Darling, from the Old English 'Deorling'. Also a Variant of Darrell
Darryll  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Daryl  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Daryll  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Delila  (Hebrew)
Desired. Languishing. The Biblical Delilah Tempted Samson into Revealing the Secret of His Superhuman Strength
Delilah  (Hebrew)
Amorous, Delight, Languishing, Temptress. in the Old Testament, Samson's Mistress Delilah Tricked Him into Revealing the Secret of His Strength, Then Betrayed Him to the Philistines
Delling  (Norse)
Delling  (Scandinavian)
Dellinger  (Scandinavian)
Dellingr  (Norse)
Dillon  (Irish)
Like a Son. from an Irish Surname Derived from the Old German First Name Dillo. Also Used As a Variant Spelling of Dylan, Meaning 'Like a Lion.'
Dominique  (French)
Of the Lord. from the Latin Dominic. This French Spelling is Used Primarily for Girls
Duke  (English)
The Royalty Title Used As Nickname or Given Name. Also an Abbreviation of Marmaduke. Famous Bearer: American Jazz Musician Duke Ellington
Edensaw  (Native American)
Tlingit Name Meaning Glacier
Ekalinga  (Indian)
Electra  (Greek)
Sparkling. The Fiery Sun. Mythological Daughter of Agamemnon. in Literature She Was a Central Character in Three Greek Tragedies
Elinor  (French)
A Variant Spelling of Eleanor. Famous Bearers: Elinor Was One of the Heroines in Jane Austen's Novel 'sense and Sensibihiy'
Elisabeth  (French)
Consecrated to God. The Usual Spelling of Elizaheth in Continental Europe
Elysia  (Latin)
Blissful. Mythological: Elysium Was the Dwelling Place of Happy Souls (Paradise). (Elicia, Elise, Elisha, Elyse, Elysha, Lise, Llysa, Llyse). Origin: Latin
Erling  (Norse)
Chiefs Son
Erling  (English)
Nobleman's Son
Erling  (Swedish)
Erling  (Scandinavian)
Ern  (English)
Diminutive of Earnest: a Variant Spelling of the German Earnest, Meaning Serious Determined, Earnestness or Vigor, from the Old German Ernust. Famous Bearer: the Hero of Oscar Wilde's Comedy 'The Impo
Ernestine  (English)
Feminine Form of Earnest: a Variant Spelling of the German Earnest, Meaning Serious Determined, Earnestness or Vigor, from the Old German Ernust. Famous Bearer: the Hero of Oscar Wilde's Comedy 'The I
Etain  (Irish)
Ezrah  (Hebrew)
Help. Th Century Bc Jewish Priest and Scholar Ezra Wrote Three Biblical Books and Began Compiling and Cataloging the Hebrew Scriptures That Later Formed the Old Testament
Fallon  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Of a Ruling Family
Fidanka  (Bulgaria)
Fleachia  (African)
Another Spelling for Felicia
Gelilah  (Hebrew)
Rolling Hills
Geliloth  (Biblical)
Rolling, Wheel, Heap
Geliloth  (Biblical)
Rolling, Wheel, Heap
Gerry  (English)
Diminutive of Gerald, Meaning Ruling Spear. Often Used As an Independent Name
Gerry  (English)
Diminutive of Geraldine: a Feminine Form of Gerald, Meaning Ruling Spear. Famous Bearer: the Earl of Surrey Wrote a Series of Love Poems Titled, 'The Fair Geraldine', to Lady Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Gilgal  (Biblical)
Wheel, Rolling, Heap
Gilgal  (Biblical)
Wheel, Rolling, Heap
Gloria  (Latin)
Glory, Radiant, Compelling, Resourceful
457 names found for "Ling"   (page 4 of 10) 

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Additional Names

Beat | Gowyr | Zaci | Rosemary | Dyumani | Maulaa | Janny | Sigvard | Adolfina | Ealaot Wadass | Aneirin | Burnette | Amina | Jesusa | Favio |