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Names That Mean Love

921 names found for "Love"   (page 8 of 19) 

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Looking for names that mean Love? We couldn't find the exact name Love, but listed below are some first names meaning Love or names similar to the word Love.

Similar Names

Lav | Lev | Levey | Levi | Lobo | Liv | Livi | Livie | Lov | Lovey |

Related Names

Dmitri  (Slavic)
Lover of the Earth
Dmitri  (Greek)
Variant of Demetrius: Earth-lover. of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of
Dmitri  (Russian)
Variant of Dimitri: Earth-lover
Dmitrios  (Greek)
Variant of Demetrius: Earth-lover. of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of
Dmitry  (Greek)
Variant of Demetrius: Earth-lover. of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of
Dodai  (Biblical)
Dodai  (Biblical)
Dodanim  (Biblical)
Dodanim  (Biblical)
Dodavah  (Biblical)
Dodavah  (Biblical)
Dull  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' a Constable
Dumain  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' Lord Attending on King Ferdinand
Dyzek  (Polish)
Eachann  (Irish)
Easter  (Persian)
Variant of Esther: Star. Refers to the Planet Venus. Also Myrtle Leaf. Also a Variant of Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of Love. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Ester, Who Became a Th Century Queen of Pe
Edmee  (Scottish)
Derived from French Esmee (Loved). Variations: Edme. (Ed-may)
Eldad  (Biblical)
'Favored of God, Love of God'
Elidad  (Biblical)
Beloved of God
Elidad  (Biblical)
Beloved of God
Elmo  (Italian)
Worthy to Be Loved
Elon  (African)
God Loves Me
Entoria  (Latin)
Lover of Satum
Erasme  (Greek)
Variant of Erasmus: Loved
Erasmo  (Greek)
Variant of Erasmus: Loved
Erasmus  (Greek)
Desired or Beloved, Worthy of Love. Famous Bearer: St Erasmus (St. Elmo) is the Patron Saint of Sailors, for Whom St Elmo's Fire is Named; Charles Darwin's Grandfather, British Physician and Poet Eras
Erasmus  (Greek)
To Love
Erastus  (Biblical)
Lovely, Amiable
Erastus  (Greek)
Variant of Erasmus: Loved
Eros  (Greek)
God of Love
Esme  (French)
An Old French Variant of the Latin 'Aestimatus' Meaning Esteemed, or 'Amatus' Meaning Loved
Esme  (French)
An Old French Variant of the Latin 'Aestimatus' Meaning Esteemed, or 'Amatus' Meaning Loved
Esmee  (French)
Feminine Form of Esme: an Old French Variant of the Latin 'Aestimatus' Meaning Esteemed, or 'Amatus' Meaning Loved
Essie  (Persian)
Diminutive of Esther: Star. Refers to the Planet Venus. Also Myrtle Leaf. Also a Variant of Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of Love. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Ester, Who Became a Th Century Queen of
Esther  (Persian)
Star. Refers to the Planet Venus. Also Myrtle Leaf. Also a Variant of Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of Love. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Ester, Who Became a Th Century Queen of Persia
Ettard  (Arthurian Legend)
Lover of Pelleas
Ettare  (Arthurian Legend)
Lover of Pelleas
Ettie  (Persian)
Diminutive of Esther: Star. Refers to the Planet Venus. Also Myrtle Leaf. Also a Variant of Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of Love. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Ester, Who Became a Th Century Queen of
Etty  (Persian)
Diminutive of Esther: Star. Refers to the Planet Venus. Also Myrtle Leaf. Also a Variant of Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of Love. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Ester, Who Became a Th Century Queen of
Faula  (Latin)
Lover of Hercules
Fauna  (Latin)
Lover of Hercules
Felipe  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Phillip 'Loves Horses'
Femi  (African)
Love Me (In Nigerian)
Femi  (Egyptian)
Ferdinand  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' King of Navarre. 'The Tempest' Son to the King of Naples
Fern  (English)
A Green Plant That Loves Shade. Fern
Ferne  (English)
A Green Plant That Loves Shade
Filib  (Gaelic)
Lover of Horses; Gaelic Form of Philip. (Fil-ib)
Filip  (English)
Lover of Horses; Popular Form of Philip
Filip  (Russian)
Russian Form of Philip 'Loves Horses'
921 names found for "Love"   (page 8 of 19) 

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Additional Names

Haidar | Kafele | Keelin | Curran | Trinculo | Clement | Asaph | Kirk | Wahanassatta | Vayu | Kyrk | Middin | Ravana | Bartel | Nityanand |