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Names That Mean Love

921 names found for "Love"   (page 9 of 19) 

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Looking for names that mean Love? We couldn't find the exact name Love, but listed below are some first names meaning Love or names similar to the word Love.

Similar Names

Lav | Lev | Levey | Levi | Lobo | Liv | Livi | Livie | Lov | Lovey |

Related Names

Filip  (Russian)
Russian Form of Philip 'Loves Horses'
Filip  (Swedish)
Swedish Form of Phillip 'Loves Horses'
Filipa  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Phillipa: Loves Horses
Filipina  (Polish)
Lover of Horses
Filipina  (Greek)
Lover of Horses
Filippa  (Swedish)
Loves Horses
Filippio  (Italian)
Italian Form of Philip 'Loves Horses'
Filippo  (Italian)
Italian Form of Philip 'Loves Horses'
Filippo  (Greek)
Lover of Horses
Filips  (Greek)
Lover of Horses
Filomena  (Italian)
Loves Mankind. Beloved. Variant of Philomena
Filomena  (Latin)
Lover of Man
Filomena  (Greek)
Lover of Man. Beloved. Variant of Philomena
Filomenia  (Greek)
Lover of Man
Filomina  (Latin)
Lover of Man
Flip  (Greek)
Lover of Horses
France  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' the Princess of France
Freja  (Scandinavian)
Norse Goddess of Love
Freya  (Scandinavian)
Lady. Derived from the Name of Freyja, the Norse Goddess of Love and Fertility and Mythological Wife of Odin
Freya  (Scandinavian)
Goddess of Love, Fertility and Beauty
Freyja  (Scandinavian)
Norse Goddess of Love and Fertility
Frigga  (Norse)
Goddess of Matrimonial Love
Fulop  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Philip 'Loves Horses'
Fulop  (Greek)
Lover of Horses
Gala  (Norse)
Lovely Voice
Galatea  (Greek)
White As Milk. in Mythology Pygmalion Fell in Love With the Statue Galatia and Aphrodite Brought Her to Life for Him
Gale  (Norse)
Lovely Voice
Gavin  (Celtic)
Hawk of Battle, Courageous, Witty, No Deep Worrying, Light-hearted Concerning Love
Gerry  (English)
Diminutive of Geraldine: a Feminine Form of Gerald, Meaning Ruling Spear. Famous Bearer: the Earl of Surrey Wrote a Series of Love Poems Titled, 'The Fair Geraldine', to Lady Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Gerwyn  (Welsh)
Fair Love
Gillot  (English)
A Variant of Jill, Which is Believed to Have Been the Origin of the Term 'To Jilt', Used When a Person Unexpectedly Rejects a Lover or Fianct
Grace  (Irish)
A Variant of the Irish Name Grianne, Meaning Love
Gracie  (Irish)
Diminutive of Grace: a Variant of the Irish Name Grianne, Meaning Love
Grainne  (Irish)
Charming. Love. Grianne Was a Gaelic Legendary Heroine Who Eloped With Diarmuid
Grania  (Irish)
Variant of Grainne, Meaning Love
Grania  (Celtic)
Gricie  (English)
A Diminutive of Grace, Meaning Love. Famous Bearer: Dame Gracie Fields
Guri  (Norse)
Gwener  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Venus, Goddess of Love
Habeeba  (Muslim)
Variant of Habiba: Beloved. Sweetheart. Darling
Habib  (African)
Beloved One
Habib  (Arabic)
Beloved One
Habib  (Islamic)
Beloved, Dear
Habib  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Habiba  (Muslim)
Beloved. Sweetheart. Darling
Habibah  (Muslim)
Variant of Habiba: Beloved. Sweetheart. Darling
Habibah  (Egyptian)
Habibah  (Islamic)
Halia  (Hawaiian)
Remembrance of a Loved One
Hamlin  (English)
Lover of Home
921 names found for "Love"   (page 9 of 19) 

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Additional Names

Jitendra | Heathclyf | Bothe | Megiddon | Burnell | Pearl | Susannah | Wasaki | Lucerne | Bedaiah | Galya | Waldo | Tor | Galvarium | Jami |