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Names That Mean More

153 names found for "More"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean More? We couldn't find the exact name More, but listed below are some first names meaning More or names similar to the word More.

Similar Names

Mamre | Mar | Mara | Mareo | Maro | Mir | Monroe | Moor | Moore | Moray |

Related Names

Moreen  (Irish)
Moreh  (Biblical)
Moreh  (Biblical)
Morel  (Latin)
Morela  (Polish)
Morela  (Portuguese)
Moreland  (English)
From the Moors
Moreley  (English)
From the Meadow on the Moor
Morell  (French)
Dark One; the Moor
Morella  (Irish)
Moren  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Iaen
Morey  (American)
From the Name Morris
Morris  (English)
Son of More
Morrisey  (English)
Son of More
Pascal  (French)
Name of a Great French Mathematician Who Lived in 17th Century. Click Here to Learn More!
Randall  (English)
Wolf Shield. More Commonly Found As a Surname
Raynah  ()
The Contributor of This Name Says: it Appears to Be Either Arabic 'Likes Too Much Wine'(!) or Hebrew 'Pure, Powerful'. It's My Name, I'D Like to Know More. My Dad is Convinced He Got it from Star Trek
Reno  (Spanish)
Abbreviation of Names Like Moreno. A City in Nevada
Rorey  (Irish)
Red. Sixteenth-century Rebel Chief Rory O'More is Celebrated in Irish Poetry
Rorry  (Irish)
Red. Sixteenth-century Rebel Chief Rory O'More is Celebrated in Irish Poetry
Rory  (Irish)
Red. Sixteenth-century Rebel Chief Rory O'More is Celebrated in Irish Poetry
Sarohildi  (German)
Armored Battle Maiden
Serhild  (German)
Armored Battle Maiden
Serhilda  (German)
Armored Battle Maiden
Serihilda  (German)
Armored Battle Maiden
Serihilde  (German)
Armored Battle Maiden
Serilda  (German)
Armored Battle Maiden
Serilda  (Teutonic)
Armored Battle Maiden
Serilde  (Teutonic)
Armored Battle Maiden
Sesen  (African)
To Wish for More
Shelby  (English)
From the Manor House 'Willow Farm.' English Surname Used More for Girls Than Boys Given Names
Shelby  (Scandinavian)
Willow Farm. English Surname Used More for Girls Than Boys Given Names
Tahmores  (Persian)
Strong and Wild Dog
Tea  (English)
The Contributor of This Name Says: Don't Know the Meaning. The 'E' in Tea Should Have an Accent Mark So That it is Pronounced Taya or Teyah or Tayah. If Someone Could Help Me Find Out More About This
Val  (English)
Strong. Variant of Valentinus; the Name of More Than Saints and Three Roman Emperors
Valen  (English)
Strong. Variant of Valentinus; the Name of More Than Saints and Three Roman Emperors
Valen  (Latin)
Strong. Variant of Valentinus; the Name of More Than Saints and Three Roman Emperors
Valente  (Italian)
Strong. Variant of Valentinus; the Name of More Than Saints and Three Roman Emperors
Valente  (Portuguese)
Strong. Variant of Valentinus; the Name of More Than Saints and Three Roman Emperors
Valentin  (Spanish)
Strong. Variant of Valentinus; the Name of More Than Saints and Three Roman Emperors
Valentine  (English)
Strong. Variant of Valentinus; the Name of More Than Saints and Three Roman Emperors
Valentine  (Latin)
Valiant; Strong. Variant of Valentinus; the Name of More Than Saints and Three Roman Emperors
Vallen  (English)
Strong. Variant of Valentinus; the Name of More Than Saints and Three Roman Emperors
Vallen  (Latin)
Strong. Variant of Valentinus; the Name of More Than Saints and Three Roman Emperors
Walter  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Sir Walter Blunt. 'Henry Vi, Part ' Walter Whitmore. 'King Richard Iii' Sir Walter Herbert
Westmoreland  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part and ' Henry V. Earl of Westmoreland, One of the King's Party. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Earl of Westmoreland
Whitmore  (English)
From the White Moor
Whitmore  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Sir Walter Blunt. 'Henry Vi, Part ' Walter Whitmore
Zereld  (Teutonic)
Armored Battle Maiden
Zerelda  (Teutonic)
Armored Battle Maiden
153 names found for "More"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Truda | Sonja | Wheatley | Smith | Arianrhod | Amada | Jarrod | Herve | Guilio | Pello | Normand | Cenehard | Fleming | Hannraoi | Madhav |