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Names That Mean More

153 names found for "More"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean More? We couldn't find the exact name More, but listed below are some first names meaning More or names similar to the word More.

Similar Names

Mamre | Mar | Mara | Mareo | Maro | Mir | Monroe | Moor | Moore | Moray |

Related Names

Abyan  (Islamic)
Clearer, More Distinct
Adesina  (African)
Baby Who Inspires More to Follow
Aghamore  (Irish)
From the Great Field
Ajmal  (Muslim)
The Total. More Beautiful
Akram  (Muslim)
More Generous. Merciful
Amjad  (Arabic)
More Gratifying
Amoretta  (Latin)
Little Love
Amorette  (Latin)
Little Love
Anastasia  (Irish)
Risen Once More
Ardmore  (Teutonic)
Ardmore  (Latin)
Armilda  (Teutonic)
Armored Battle Maiden
Armilde  (Teutonic)
Armored Battle Maiden
Arshad  (Islamic)
More Rightly Guided, Reasonable
Ashraf  (Arabic)
More Noble
Ashraf  (Muslim)
Most Noble. Superior. More Honorable
Athar  (Islamic)
Purer, More Virtuous
Athmore  (English)
From the Moor
Atmore  (English)
From the Moor
Attmore  (English)
From the Moor
Avonmore  (Irish)
From the Great River
Aylmer  (English)
Infamous. from the Old English Aethelmaer Meaning Noble and Famous. Used As a First Name During the Middle Ages, Aylmer Later Became More Popular As a Surname
Ballinamore  (Irish)
From the Great River
Barrie  (Irish)
A Form of Barry, from the Irish Word for Spear. This Name is Given More Commonly to Men, But Also Used As a Feminine Name. Also Fair-haired. Famous Bearer: Sir J. M. Barrie Created Peter Pan
Barrie  (Irish)
A Form of Barry, from the Irish Word for Spear. This Name is Given More Commonly to Men, But Also Used As a Feminine Name. Also Fair-haired. Famous Bearer: Sir J. M. Barrie Created Peter Pan
Barrymore  (Gaelic)
Variant of Barry: Pointed Object
Berkeley  (English)
Derived from the Old English for Birch-wood. Used As a Surname More Frequently Than a First Name. Lives at the Birch Tree Meadow
Blakemore  (English)
From the Dark Moor
Bradwen  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Moren
Brunhild  (Teutonic)
Armored Battle Maiden
Brunhild  (Norse)
Armored Fighting Woman
Brunhilda  (Teutonic)
Armored Battle Maiden
Brunhilda  (Norse)
Armored Fighting Woman
Brunhilde  (Teutonic)
Armored Battle Maiden
Brunnehilde  (Norse)
Armored Fighting Woman
Brynhild  (Norse)
Armored Fighting Woman
Brynhilde  (Norse)
Armored Fighting Woman
Cadwaladr  (Welsh)
Battle Leader. This Name Dates Back to the Th Century. More Commonly Used As a Surname Than a First Name in the Present Day
Cadwallader  (Welsh)
Battle Leader. This Name Dates Back to the Th Century. More Commonly Used As a Surname Than a First Name in the Present Day
Cai  (English)
Diminutive of Caius: a Variant of Gaius; Which is a More Common Form of the Name in Britain. Famous Bearer: Cambridge's Caius College is Named After Its Founder, John Caius
Caius  (English)
A Variant of Gaius; Which is a More Common Form of the Name in Britain. Famous Bearer: Cambridge's Caius College is Named After Its Founder, John Caius
Cartagh  (Irish)
Variant of Carthach: Loving. A Variant of Caradoc. The Irish St. Carthach, Also Known As St Carthage, Founded an Early Th Century Monastery at Lismore, County Waterford
Carthach  (Irish)
Loving. A Variant of Caradoc. The Irish St. Carthach, Also Known As St Carthage, Founded an Early Th Century Monastery at Lismore, County Waterford
Carthage  (English)
The Anglicized Form of the Irish Carthach, Which is a Variant of Caradoc. The Irish St. Carthach, Also Known As St Carthage, Founded an Early Th Century Monastery at Lismore, County Waterford
Cathaoirmore  (Gaelic)
Great Warrior
Cathmore  (Gaelic)
Great Warrior
Cathmore  (Irish)
Great Fighter
Corinne  (French)
Maiden. The French Form of Corinna, Now the More Common Form of the Name in the English-speaking World
Delmore  (Spanish)
Variant of Delmar: Seaside
Delmore  (French)
Of the Sea
153 names found for "More"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Anael | Chassidy | EuIycleia | James | Deonne | Wes | Conant | Mahala | Alammelech | Ulla | Grani | Tate | Mandy | Aife | Wijdan |