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Names That Mean Olive

57 names found for "Olive"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Olive? We couldn't find the exact name Olive, but listed below are some first names meaning Olive or names similar to the word Olive.

Similar Names

Olav | Olave | Olivia | Oliva | Olivie |

Related Names

Omat  (Irish)
The Color of Olive
Wendell  (German)
Wanderer. Famous Bearer: American Writer Sir Oliver Wendell Holmes
Yasmin  (Persian)
A Flower in the Olive Family
Zatthu  (Biblical)
Olive Tree
Zatthu  (Biblical)
Olive Tree
Zayit  (Hebrew)
Zayit  (Hebrew)

Additional Names

Akshobhya | Driden | Dracon | Charlayne | Gwern | Rajata | Divyatma | Fonda | Manda | Yoel | Daria | Brooke | Janak | Madhusudhana | Charmaine |