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Meaning of the Name Olive

57 names found for "Olive"   (page 1 of 2) 

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The first name Olive is of Latin, Irish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: Olive Tree, a Symbol of Peace, Proud, Beautiful. (Ollie, Olivier, Olivia, Livia, Liwy)
Irish: Olive
Latin: Olive Branch, Peace
Latin: Symbol of Peace

Similar Names

Olav | Olave | Olivia | Oliva | Olivie |

Related Names

Alvy  (Irish)
Dennis  (Shakespearean)
'As You Like It' Servant to Oliver
Jasmin  (Persian)
A Flower in the Olive Family
Jasmine  (Persian)
A Flower in the Olive Family
Liv  (Latin)
Olive Tree, Peace
Livi  (Latin)
Olive Branch, Peace
Livia  (Latin)
Livie  (Latin)
Livvy  (Greek)
From the Name Oliver
Martext  (Shakespearean)
'As You Like It' Son of Sir Rowland De Boys. 'As You Like It' Sir Oliver Martext, a Vicar
Nala  (Latin)
Obharnait  (Irish)
The Color of Olive
Oilbhe  (Irish)
Oilbhries  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Oliver, a Name of Debated Meaning. it is Thought to Be Derived from French Olivier (Olive Tree). Some Believe it is of Germanic Origin, Alfihar, a Compund Name Composed Of, Alf (Elf) an
Olghar  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Oliver.(Ohl-ver)
Oliva  (Latin)
Variant of Olive: Olive: Symbol of Peace
Oliver  (Norse)
Oliver  (Shakespearean)
'As You Like It' Son of Sir Rowland De Boys. 'As You Like It' Sir Oliver Martext, a Vicar
Oliver  (German)
Elf Army. Can Also Be a Variant of Olaf: Relic, Ancestral Heritage
Oliver  (Latin)
Olive (Symbol of Peace); Peaceful
Oliver  (English)
Olive Tree, a Symbol of Peace (Ollie, Olivier)
Oliver  (French)
The Olive Tree. The Biblical Olive Tree Symbolizes Fruitfulness and Beauty and Dignity. Extending an Olive Branch Signifies an Offer of Peace
Oliver  (English)
The Olive Tree. The Biblical Olive Tree Symbolizes Fruitfulness and Beauty and Dignity. 'Extending an Olive Branch' Signifies an Offer of Peace
Oliver  (Latin)
Peace and Joy, Chivalrous, Sensitive, Affectionate
Oliver  (Latin)
Olive Tree, Peace
Oliveria  (Spanish)
Oliverio  (Latin)
Oliverio  (Spanish)
Oliverios  (Latin)
Oliverios  (Spanish)
Olivia  (Swedish)
Olivia  (Latin)
The Olive Tree; a Symbol of Peace
Olivia  (Latin)
Variant of Olive: Olive: Symbol of Peace
Olivia  (Hebrew)
Olive Tree; an English Form of Olga (Liv, Liva, Livia, Livvie, Livvy, Nola, Nolana, Nollie, Olga, Olia, Olive, Olivette, Ollie, Olly, Olva)
Olivia  (Spanish)
Olivia  (Latin)
Peace of the Olive Tree
Olivie  (Latin)
Olivier  (Latin)
Variant of Oliver: Olive (Symbol of Peace); Peaceful
Olivier  (German)
Variant of Oliver: Elf Army. Can Also Be a Variant of Olaf: Relic, Ancestral Heritage
Olivier  (French)
From the Olive Tree
Ollie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Olive: Olive: Symbol of Peace
Ollie  (Greek)
From the Name Oliver
Ollie  (French)
Diminutive of Oliver: Olive Tree
Ollie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Oliver: Olive (Symbol of Peace); Peaceful
Ollie  (German)
Diminutive of Oliver: Elf Army. Can Also Be a Variant of Olaf: Relic, Ancestral Heritage
Oma  (Irish)
The Color of Olive
57 names found for "Olive"   (page 1 of 2) 

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