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Meaning of the Name Princess

166 names found for "Princess"   (page 3 of 4) 

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The first name Princess is of English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Royal Daughter

Similar Names

Prince |

Related Names

Ravati  (Indian)
A Mythical Princess
Raven  ()
Sky Warrior, Black Princess, Evil
Roderica  (Teutonic)
Rosaline  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' a Lady Attending on the Princess of France
Sabrina  (English)
Legendary Princess
Sadie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Sarah: Princess
Sadie  (English)
Diminutive of Sarah: Princess; or Mercedes: Mercy
Sadie  (English)
Sal  (English)
Diminutive of Sally (From Sarah: Princess)
Sal  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Sarah: Princess
Salena  (English)
Variant of Sally (From Sarah: Princess)
Salina  (English)
Variant of Sally (From Sarah: Princess)
Sallie  (Hebrew)
Sally  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Sarah: Princess
Sally  (English)
Diminutive of Sarah: Princess. Sally is Now Considered a Name in Its Own Right
Sally  (Hebrew)
Princess (Sallie)
Sandra  (Greek)
Variant of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain Since Early Th Century; it Became Popular After the Marriage of Future King Edward Vii to Princess Alexandra
Sara  (Hebrew)
Sara  (Spanish)
Sara  (Hebrew)
Variant of Sarah: Princess
Sarah  (Hebrew)
A Princess (Sara, Sari, Sally, Sarena, Sarita, Zara, Zarah)
Sarah  (Biblical)
Lady; Princess; Princess of the Multitude
Sarah  (Hebrew)
Sarah  (Hebrew)
Princess. in the Bible, Sarah Was the Wife of Abraham and Mother of Isaac. Her Name Was Originally Sarai (Quarrelsome), But God Commanded That Her Name Be Changed to Sarah Before the Birth of Her Son
Sarai  (Biblical)
My Lady; My Princess
Sarai  (Hebrew)
My Princess
Saranna  (English)
Compound of Sarah: Princess; and Anne: Favour or Grace
Sari  (Hebrew)
Sarika  (Hungarian)
Sarina  (Hebrew)
Variant of Sarah: Princess
Sarita  (Spanish)
Sarita  (Hebrew)
Spanish Variant of Sarah: Princess
Sasa  (Hungarian)
Semran  (Islamic)
Shahzaadee  (Muslim)
Variant of Shahzadi: Princess
Shahzadi  (Muslim)
Sharai  (Hebrew)
Princess, Also a Form of Sharon
Shaylee  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Fairy Princess of the Field
Soray  (Persian)
Name of a Princess
Sorcha  (Scottish)
Bright; Anglicization:Sarah (Princess), Clara (Famous, Clear, Bright). (Sor-ah)
Tazanna  (Native American)
Tea  (Spanish)
Princess, Aunt
Tia  (Spanish)
Princess or Aunt
Tiana  (Greek)
Totty  (French)
Diminutive of Charlotte: a Feminine Form of Charles, Meaning Man. Alternate Meaning, Tiny and Feminine. Famous Bearers: Princess Charlotte, Daughter of King George Iv; British Writer Charlotte Bronte
Tris  (Celtic)
Diminutive of Tristan: Sad Din. in a Story from the Middle Ages, Tristan, Nephew of King Mark of Cornwall, Was in Love With the Princess Iseult of Ireland
Tristram  (Celtic)
Variant of Tristan: Sad Din. in a Story from the Middle Ages, Tristan, Nephew of King Mark of Cornwall, Was in Love With the Princess Iseult of Ireland
Tryamon  (Arthurian Legend)
A Fairy Princess
Urbi  (Egyptian)
166 names found for "Princess"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Wyth | Olof | Sweta | Celinna | Bethsaida | Bryon | Chelsey | Hanifah | Tedman | Orran | Meirion | Earlene | Mahdy | Pomona | Ahian |