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Names That Mean Princess

166 names found for "Princess"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Princess? We couldn't find the exact name Princess, but listed below are some first names meaning Princess or names similar to the word Princess.

Similar Names

Prince |

Related Names

Aida  (Italian)
Happy. Famous Bearer: the Ethiopian Princess in Verdi's Opera 'Aida'. Also a Japanese Surname: Runs Across the Field
Akuti  (Indian)
Akuti  (Hindu)
Alberta  (English)
Feminine Form of Albert from the Old German Adalbert Meaning Noble and Bright. The Canadian Province Alberta Was Named for Queen Victoria and Prince Albert's Daughter Princess Louise Alberta, Who Was
Alex  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain. British King Edward Vii's Wife Princess Alexandra of Denmark
Alexandra  (Greek)
A Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain; it Became Popular After the Marriage of the Marriage of Future King Edward Vii to Princess Alexandra of Denmark
Alexandria  (Greek)
Variant of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain; it Became Popular After the Marriage of the Marriage of Future King Edward Vii to Princess Alexandra of Den
Alexandrina  (Greek)
Variant of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain; it Became Popular After the Marriage of Future King Edward Vii to Princess Alexandra of Denmark
Alix  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain; it Became Popular After the Marriage of the Marriage of Future King Edward Vii to Princess Alexandra of
Almira  (Islamic)
Exalted Princess (From Arabic)
Almira  (Arabic)
Princess; Truthful
Ameera  (Islamic)
Princess (Ameerah). Origin: Arabic
Ameera  (Muslim)
Variant of Amirah: Princess. Rich Woman. Leader. Also a Variant of Amira: Well Populated
Ameerah  (Arabic)
Amira  (Hebrew)
Princess; One Who Speaks
Amira  (Arabic)
Amira  (Islamic)
Amirah  (Muslim)
Princess. Rich Woman. Leader
Amirah  (Arabic)
Princess; One Who Speaks
Andromeda  (Greek)
Mythology; an Ethiopian Princess; Wife of Perseus. Also a Northern Constellation
Anne  (French)
French Spelling of English Ann, a Variant of Hannah Introduced to Britain. Famous Bearers: St Anne; King Henry Viii's Wives Anne Boleyn and Anne of Cleves; Queen Elizabeth's Daughter Princess Anne
Armelle  (French)
Avantika  (Indian)
princess of Ujjain
Avantika  (Hindu)
Princess of Ujjain
Baano  (Muslim)
Variant of Bano: Lady. Princess
Baigum  (Muslim)
Variant of Begum: Princess. Lady
Bano  (Muslim)
Lady. Princess
Begum  (Muslim)
Princess. Lady
Berangaria  (French)
Name of a Princess
Boyet  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' Lord Attending on the Princess of France
Brinly  (English)
Virtuous, Princess
Cairoshell  (Egyptian)
Egyptian Princess
Caliana  (Arabic)
A Moorish Princess for Whom a Splendid Palace Was Built in Spain
Cassara  (American)
Chattie  (French)
Diminutive of Charlotte: a Feminine Form of Charles, Meaning Man. Alternate Meaning, Tiny and Feminine. Famous Bearers: Princess Charlotte, Daughter of King George Iv; British Writer Charlotte Bronte
Damayanti  (Indian)
Name of a Princess
Damita  (Hispanic)
Baby Princess
Damita  (Spanish)
Baby Princess
Deirdre  (Irish)
Sorrowful One; Comes from an Irish Princess Who Kills Herself After Her Husband is Killed
Deoch  (Celtic)
Mythical Princess of Munster
Di  (Latin)
Diminutive of Diana: Fertile. God, Devine. Famous Bearer: the Late Lady Diana Spencer, Often Called 'Lady Di', Married British Prince Charles and Became Princess Diana of Wales
Diahann  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
Diahna  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
Dian  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
Diandra  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
Dianna  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
Diannah  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
Dionne  (French)
Daughter of Heaven and Earth; French 16th Century Princess
Dyana  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
Dyann  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
166 names found for "Princess"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Roger | Vanko | Alfredo | Gavino | Lashah | Feliks | Enid | Azuka | Franco | Hamlyn | Hurlbert | Egeus | Varrius | Hara | Alixandre |