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Names That Mean Rian

6443 names found for "Rian"   (page 95 of 129) 

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Looking for names that mean Rian? We couldn't find the exact name Rian, but listed below are some first names meaning Rian or names similar to the word Rian.

Similar Names

Raihan | Ram | Rane | Rani | Ren | Rhun | Rinan | Rion | Roan | Roane |

Related Names

Laurene  (Latin)
The Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory. Old Name With Many Variants
Lauretta  (English)
The Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory. Old Name With Many Variants
Lauretta  (Latin)
Variant of Laura: Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree (Symbols of Honour and Victory)
Laurette  (Latin)
Variant of Laura: Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree (Symbols of Honour and Victory)
Laurian  (English)
From the Place of Laurel Trees
Laurian  (Latin)
From the Place of Laurel Trees
Lauriano  (English)
From the Place of Laurel Trees
Lauriano  (Latin)
From the Place of Laurel Trees
Laurie  (English)
The Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory. Old Name With Many Variants
Laurina  (Latin)
Variant of Laura: Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree (Symbols of Honour and Victory)
Laurlnda  (Latin)
Variant of Laura: Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree (Symbols of Honour and Victory)
Lavena  (Latin)
Variant of Lavinia: in Classical Mythology, Lavinia Was the Daughter of King Latinus and the Wife of Trojan Hero Aeneas, Who Named the City Lavinium in Her Honour
Lavina  (Latin)
Variant of Lavinia: in Classical Mythology, Lavinia Was the Daughter of King Latinus and the Wife of Trojan Hero Aeneas, Who Named the City Lavinium in Her Honour
Layla  (Persian)
Variant of Leila: Dark. Born at Night
Layton  (English)
Variant of Leighton: Herb Garden. from the Meadow Farm. A Surname and Place Name
Lazarus  (Hebrew)
Variant of Eleazar. God Will Help
Leana  (English)
Derived from an Irish Gaelic of Helen: (Light;Beautiful Woman); Variant of Liana: (Youthful;Bond)
Leann  (English)
Derived from an Irish Gaelic of Helen: (Light;Beautiful Woman); Variant of Liana: (Youthful;Bond)
Leanna  (English)
Derived from an Irish Gaelic of Helen: (Light;Beautiful Woman); Variant of Liana: (Youthful;Bond)
Leanne  (English)
A Compound of Lee: Wood, and Anne: Grace, Favour. Can Also Be a Diminutive of Julianne: Downy, Hairy. Can Also Be Derived from Helen: Liight; Beautiful Woman, and a Variant of Liana: Youthful; Bond
Lear  (English)
Shakespearian King
Leeann  (English)
Derived from an Irish Gaelic of Helen: (Light;Beautiful Woman); Variant of Liana: (Youthful;Bond)
Leeanne  (English)
Derived from an Irish Gaelic of Helen: (Light;Beautiful Woman); Variant of Liana: (Youthful;Bond)
Leena  (Muslim)
Variant of Lina: Tender
Leianna  (English)
Derived from an Irish Gaelic of Helen: (Light;Beautiful Woman); Variant of Liana: (Youthful;Bond)
Leila  (Muslim)
Variant of Layla: Night. Born at Night. Sweetheart
Leilah  (Persian)
Variant of Leila: Dark. Born at Night
Lela  (Persian)
Variant of Leila: Dark. Born at Night
Lenora  (English)
Shining Light. Variant of Eleanor
Lenore  (French)
Variant of Eleanor: a Variant of Helen Introduced into Britain in Th Century Ad by King Henry Ii's Wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine
Leoline  (Welsh)
Variant of Llewellyn: Leader. Lion-like
Leon  (Greek)
A Variant of Leo: Lion
Leona  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Leon: a Variant of Leo: Lion
Leonie  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Leon: a Variant of Leo: Lion
Leonora  (Greek)
Light. Variant of Helen. in Mythology the Abduction of Zeus's Mortal Daughter Helen Sparked the Trojan War
Leonora  (French)
Variant of Eleanor, from Helen
Leonora  (English)
Variant of Helen. in Mythology the Abduction of Zeus's Mortal Daughter Helen Sparked the Trojan War
Leonore  (French)
Shining Light. Variant of Eleanor
Leonore  (French)
Shining Light. Variant of Eleanor
Leonore  (German)
'shining Light.' Variant of Eleanor
Leora  (Italian)
Shining Light. Variant of Eleanor
Leta  (Greek)
Variant of Leda Who Was the Mythological Queen of Sparta and Mother of Helen of Troy
Letisha  (Latin)
Great Joy. Variant of Letitia
Lew  (English)
Diminutive of Lewis: English Variant of the Franco-germanic Name Louis: Famous Warrior. in Wales, Sometimes Lewis is Used in Place of Llewellyn. Famous Bearer: Th Century Writer Lewis Carroll
Lew  (Welsh)
Variant of Llewellyn: Leader. Lion-like
Lewis  (English)
A Variant of Louis, Derived from the French Which Evolved from the Old French Loeis, a Name Derived from the Old High German Hluodowig, a Compound Name Composed of the Elements Hluod (Famous) and Wig
Lewis  (English)
English Variant of the Franco-germanic Name Louis: Famous Warrior. in Wales, Sometimes Lewis is Used in Place of Llewellyn. Famous Bearer: Th Century Writer Lewis Carroll
Lewis  (French)
Variant of Louis: Famous Warrior, from the Old German 'Chlodovech'. Aloysius is the Name of the Italian Saint Aloysius of Gonzaga, and Common Among British Roman Catholics
Lexa  (Czechoslovakian)
Variant of Alexandra. Defender of Mankind
Lexann  (English)
Variant of Alexandra. 'Defender of Mankind.'
6443 names found for "Rian"   (page 95 of 129) 

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Additional Names

Marjo | Osten | Caoimhghin | Kaja | Cailean | Rhys | Gilbert | Breri | Chip | Kigva | Rozeena | Kaylyn | Elek | Rosemond | Labana |