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Names That Mean Rian

6443 names found for "Rian"   (page 98 of 129) 

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Looking for names that mean Rian? We couldn't find the exact name Rian, but listed below are some first names meaning Rian or names similar to the word Rian.

Similar Names

Raihan | Ram | Rane | Rani | Ren | Rhun | Rinan | Rion | Roan | Roane |

Related Names

Lorrin  (English)
Variant of Lawrence Meaning from Laurentium
Lorrina  (English)
Variant of Laura or Lora Referring to the Laurel Tree or Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Loryn  (English)
Variant of Lawrence Meaning from Laurentium
Louie  (French)
Variant of Louis: Famous Warrior, from the Old German 'Chlodovech'
Lowell  (French)
Variant of Lovell: Wolf Cub. Encountered More Often As a Surname Rather Than As a First Name
Loyda  (Latin)
Variant of Leda Who Was the Mythological Queen of Sparta and Mother of Helen of Troy
Lubaba  (Muslim)
Variant of Lubabah: the Innermost Essence
Lucas  (Greek)
Variant of Luke: Light Giving. from Lucania (Lucania Was a District of Ancient Italy)
Luce  (Shakespearean)
'The Comedy of Errors' Adriana's Servant
Lucetta  (Italian)
Variant of Lucia: Graceful Light. Italian Variant of Lucy
Lucetta  (English)
Variant of Lucy: Variant of Lucia: Light
Lucette  (Italian)
Variant of Lucia: Graceful Light. Italian Variant of Lucy
Lucette  (English)
Variant of Lucy: Variant of Lucia: Light
Lucia  (Italian)
Graceful Light. Italian Variant of Lucy. Famous Bearer: St Lucia Was a Virgin Martyr Who Died in the Th Century. Her Name is Invoked Against Eye Disease
Luciana  (Shakespearean)
'The Comedy of Errors' Sister to Adriana, and Sister-in-law to Antipholus of Ephesus
Lucie  (Italian)
Variant of Lucia: Graceful Light. Italian Variant of Lucy
Lucien  (Latin)
Variant of Lucian: from the Latin 'Lucianus'. Light
Lucilla  (Italian)
Variant of Lucia: Graceful Light. Illumination
Lucille  (French)
French Variant of Lucia: Light. Famous Bearer: Comedienne Lucille Ball
Lucina  (Latin)
Roman Goddess of Childbirth. Also a Variant of Lucia: Light
Lucina  (Italian)
Variant of Lucia: Graceful Light. Illumination
Lucinda  (Italian)
Variant of Lucia: Graceful Light. Illumination
Lucinda  (English)
Variant of Lucy: Variant of Lucia: Light
Lucky  (English)
Fortunate. Lucky is Also Used As a Nickname for Lucas and Its Variants
Lucrece  (Latin)
Variant of Lucretia: Profit. Derived from the Roman Clan Name Lucretius. Shakespeare's Poem 'The Rape of Lucrece' is One of Many Retellings of the Rape of Lucretia by a Son of the King of Rome
Lucrezia  (Latin)
Variant of Lucretia: Profit. Derived from the Roman Clan Name Lucretius. Shakespeare's Poem 'The Rape of Lucrece' is One of Many Retellings of the Rape of Lucretia by a Son of the King of Rome
Lucy  (Italian)
Variant of Lucia: Graceful Light. Illumination
Lucy  (English)
Variant of Lucia: Light
Ludovic  (French)
Variant of Louis: Famous Warrior, from the Old German 'Chlodovech'
Luella  (English)
Variant of Louella: Famous Elf. Also a Compound of the Names Lou and Ella
Lukacs  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Lucas 'Light'
Luloah  (Muslim)
Variant of Lu'Lu: Pearls. Gems
Lulu  (English)
Diminutive of Lucy: Variant of Lucia: Light. Pet Form of the Names Louise or Louella
Luqmaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Luqman: the Biblical Aesep is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Lyda  (Greek)
Variant of Leda Who Was the Mythological Queen of Sparta and Mother of Helen of Troy
Lyla  (English)
Feminine of Lyle: from the Island. Variant of Delilah
Lyn  (Spanish)
Variant of Linda: Pretty
Lyn  (German)
Variant of Linda: Snake. Lime Tree; Linden Tree. Can Also Be a Diminutive of Any Name Ending in -linda
Lyn  (French)
Variant of Lynette: Variant of Eluned: Idol. This Form Emerged in Tennyson's Story of Sir Gareth and Lynette, in One of His 'Idylls of the King'
Lynda  (English)
Variant of Linda: Lime Tree; Linden Tree; Beautiful
Lynda  (German)
Variant of Linda: Snake. Lime Tree; Linden Tree. Can Also Be a Diminutive of Any Name Ending in -linda
Lyndall  (English)
Variant of Linda: Lime Tree; Linden Tree; Beautiful
Lyndee  (English)
Variant of Linda: Lime Tree; Linden Tree; Beautiful
Lyndi  (English)
Variant of Linda: Lime Tree; Linden Tree; Beautiful
Lyndsay  (English)
Variant of Lindsey: from the Linden Tree Island
Lyndsie  (English)
Variant of Lindsey 'From the Linden Tree Island'
Lyndsie  (English)
Variant of Lindsey: from the Linden Tree Island
Lynelle  (Welsh)
Variant of Ancient Welsh Given Name Eluned: from 'Cilun' Meaning Idol
Lynelle  (English)
Variant of Ancient Welsh Given Name
Lynelle  (Arthurian Legend)
Variant of Lynette, Who Accompanied Sir Gareth on a Knightly Quest
6443 names found for "Rian"   (page 98 of 129) 

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Additional Names

Elicia | Niloufer | Ithream | Pentheus | Cyprian | Cyrena | Hass | Nasih | Ashriel | Jemimah | Vindya | Chantell | Edmund | Makya | Albrecht |