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Names That Mean Rong

840 names found for "Rong"   (page 10 of 17) 

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Looking for names that mean Rong? We couldn't find the exact name Rong, but listed below are some first names meaning Rong or names similar to the word Rong.

Similar Names

Rang | Rangy | Rinc | Ring | Ringo | Royns | Ryons |

Related Names

Isa  (German)
Strong Willed
Isadorer  (Greek)
Strong Gift
Isadoro  (Spanish)
Strong Gift
Isana  (German)
Strong Willed
Isane  (German)
Strong Willed
Isidore  (Greek)
Strong Gift, Practical, Greedy, Impatient
Isidore  (Greek)
Strong Gift. Gift of Isis (This Name is Greek, Even Though Isis is an Egyptian Deity). St Isidore of Seville Tried to Convert Spanish Jews to Christianity During the Th Century
Isidoror  (Greek)
Strong Gift
Isidrro  (Greek)
Strong Gift
Ithai  (Biblical)
Strong, My Sign, a Plowshare
Ituha  (Native American)
The Strong and Sturdy Oak
Ixidorr  (Greek)
Strong Gift
Jarold  (Teutonic)
Strong With a Spear
Jarret  (English)
Spear Strong. Variant of Garrett
Jarrett  (English)
Spear Strong. Surname. Variant of Garrett
Jarrod  (English)
Spear Strong. Variant and Surname Form of Garrett from Gerald
Jedrek  (Polish)
A Strong Man. Variant of Andrew
Jedrick  (Polish)
A Strong Man. Variant of Andrew
Jedrik  (Polish)
Jedrus  (Polish)
Jelani  (Swahili)
Jerel  (English)
Strong; Open-minded. Blend of Jerold and Darell
Jerett  (English)
Spear Strong. Variant of Garrett
Jeric  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jerica  (American)
Strong, a Gifted Ruler
Jerick  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jeriel  (English)
Strong; Open-minded. Blend of Jerold and Darell
Jerrall  (English)
Strong; Open-minded. Blend of Jerold and Darell
Jerrel  (English)
Strong; Open-minded. Blend of Jerold and Darell
Jerrell  (English)
Strong; Open-minded. Blend of Jerold and Darell
Jerrett  (English)
Spear Strong. Variant of Garrett
Jerric  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jerrick  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jerriel  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jerrold  (Teutonic)
Strong With a Spear
Jerryl  (English)
Strong; Open-minded. Blend of Jerold and Darell
Jeryl  (English)
Strong; Open-minded. Blend of Jerold and Darell
Joel  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is God. .Strong - Willed. The Name of a Breton Saint. The Biblical Prophet Joel Wrote the Book of Joel
Kaarl  (Finnish)
Kaarle  (French)
Strong and Masculine
Kaarle  (Finnish)
Kaarlo  (French)
Strong and Masculine
Kaarlo  (Finnish)
Kadar  (Arabic)
Kal  (Finnish)
Kalle  (French)
Strong and Masculine
Kalle  (Finnish)
Kalman  (French)
Strong and Masculine
Kaori  (Japanese)
Karcsi  (French)
Strong and Masculine
840 names found for "Rong"   (page 10 of 17) 

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Additional Names

Tamar | Deepali | Cynbel | Airell | Becki | Sirpuhi | Marleigh | Jennika | Fateen | Terezia | Gareb | Ctislav | Ryley | Veronique | Amabella |