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Names That Mean Rong

840 names found for "Rong"   (page 9 of 17) 

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Looking for names that mean Rong? We couldn't find the exact name Rong, but listed below are some first names meaning Rong or names similar to the word Rong.

Similar Names

Rang | Rangy | Rinc | Ring | Ringo | Royns | Ryons |

Related Names

Gota  (Swedish)
Gote  (Swedish)
Gotilda  (Swedish)
Griffin  (Welsh)
Strong in Faith
Griffith  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief, Fierce, Strong Warrior or Lord. Derived from the Welsh Name Groffudd. Common As Both a Surname and a Given Name
Groffudd  (Welsh)
Strong Warrior, Lord
Gryphin  (Welsh)
Strong in Faith
Gualterio  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Walter 'strong Warrior'
Gualtiero  (Italian)
Italian Form of Walter 'strong Warrior'
Gunnar  (Swedish)
Battle Strong
Gunner  (Swedish)
Battle Strong
Gwallter  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Walter 'strong Fighter'
Hagan  (Teutonic)
Strong Defender
Hagen  (Teutonic)
Strong Defender
Hallie  (Teutonic)
Strong in War
Hally  (Teutonic)
Strong in War
Hamza  (Islamic)
To Be Strong
Hardie  (Teutonic)
Hardtman  (German)
Hardy  (Teutonic)
Bold or Hardy. Strong
Hardy  (German)
Courageous, Strong
Harelda  (Teutonic)
Strong in War
Harelde  (Teutonic)
Strong in War
Harolda  (Teutonic)
Strong in War
Harolde  (Teutonic)
Strong in War
Hart  (English)
Stag. Strong; Brave. Surname
Harte  (English)
Stag. Strong; Brave. Surname
Hartman  (English)
Stag. Strong; Brave. Surname
Hartman  (German)
Hartmann  (German)
Hartwig  (Teutonic)
Strong Advisor
Harvey  (French)
From Celtic Words for Battle, Strong, Worthy, and Ardent. Used Commonly During the Middle Ages
Hasin  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chasin: Strong
Hass  (Teutonic)
Strong Advisor
Hassin  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chasin: Strong
Helkath-hazzurim  (Biblical)
The Field of Strong Men; or of Rocks
Hercules  (Greek)
In Hera's Service. The Mythological Greek Hercules Was a Son of Zeus and an Extraordinarily Strong Man
Herlbert  (English)
Army Strong
Herlebeorht  (English)
Army Strong
Herold  (Dutch)
Strong Fighter
Hervey  (French)
Variant of Harvey: from Celtic Words for Battle, Strong, Worthy, and Ardent. Used Commonly During the Middle Ages
Honovi  (Native American)
Honovi  (Native American)
Strong Deer
Honovi  (Native American)
Strong Deer (Hopi)
Howard  (German)
Of Strong Mind (Hewie)
Hurlbart  (English)
Army Strong
Hurlbert  (English)
Army Strong
Ighneachan  (Irish)
Variant of Eigneachan: Strong Man
Ilma  (German)
Resolute Protector. Strong Helmet. Diminutive of Wilhelmina, Feminine Form of Wilhelm
Imaran  (Hindu)
840 names found for "Rong"   (page 9 of 17) 

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Additional Names

Melynda | Audrick | Ghaa'ib | Peninnah | Keilah | Bienvenida | Westminster | Traugott | Ember | Tyrell | Albinka | Trude | Bali | Beryl | Alcippe |