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Names That Mean Rule

843 names found for "Rule"   (page 1 of 17) 

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Looking for names that mean Rule? We couldn't find the exact name Rule, but listed below are some first names meaning Rule or names similar to the word Rule.

Similar Names

Raley | Raul | Raulo | Reule | Riley | Roly | Ruelle | Ryley | Rille | Rylee |

Related Names

Aamir  (Muslim)
Variant of Amir: Populous. Full. Prosperous. Amply Settled. Civilized. Also Used to Refer to a Prince or Ruler
Aaric  (Norse)
Variant of Aric Rule With Mercy
Aaric  (English)
Variant of Aric 'Rule With Mercy.'
Abbas  (Islamic)
Ancestor of the Abbasid Dynasty of the Islamic Empire Who Ruled As Caliphs of Baghdad (750–1258). He Was the Maternal Uncle of the Prophet Mohammed. A Rich Merchant of Mecca, He Was at First Hostile t
Adar  (Syrian)
Ruler; Prince
Aelfric  (English)
Elf Ruler
Aga  (Islamic)
Leader, Ruler
Alaric  (German)
He Who Rules
Alaric  (German)
Noble Ruler, Noble Ruler. Old German. King Alaric I Conquered Rome
Alaric  (Teutonic)
Universal Ruler
Alarica  (German)
All Ruler
Alarica  (Teutonic)
Universal Ruler
Alarice  (German)
All Ruler
Alarice  (English)
Rules All. Feminine of Alaric
Alarice  (German)
Rules All. Feminine of Alaric
Alaricia  (Teutonic)
Universal Ruler
Alarico  (Spanish)
Rules All
Albaric  (French)
Blond Ruler
Alberic  (English)
Variant of Aubrey: Rules With Elf-wisdom. Introduced into Britain from France by Aubrey De Vere, a Friend of William the Conquerer. De Vere's Grandson Became the Earl of Oxford
Alberic  (Teutonic)
Skillful Ruler
Alberik  (Swedish)
Blond Ruler
Aldric  (English)
Wise Ruler
Aldrich  (English)
Aged and Wise Ruler
Aldrich  (French)
Old or Wise Ruler
Aldrick  (French)
Old or Wise Ruler
Aldrik  (English)
Wise Ruler
Aldrin  (English)
Old and Wise Ruler
Alhric  (English)
Sacred Ruler
Alhrick  (English)
Sacred Ruler
Alhrik  (English)
Sacred Ruler
Alirick  (Teutonic)
Universal Ruler
Alistair  (Greek)
.Variant of Alexander: Defender of Men; Ruler. Also Means Avenger
Allaryce  (English)
Rules All. Feminine of Alaric
Allaryce  (German)
Rules All. Feminine of Alaric
Alric  (Teutonic)
Universal Ruler
Alric  (German)
Rules All. The Historical Gothic King Who Plundered Rome in A.D
Alrick  (German)
Rules All. The Historical Gothic King Who Plundered Rome in A.D
Alrigo  (Italian)
Rules the Estate
Alrigo  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Alrik  (Teutonic)
Universal Ruler
Alrik  (Swedish)
All Ruler
Alwalda  (Anglo Saxon)
All Ruler
Amaud  (French)
Eagle Ruler
Amberly  (American)
Ruler of the Jewels
Ame  (Scandinavian)
The Eagle Rules
Ameer  (Muslim)
Variant of Amir: Prince. Ruler
Ami  (Scandinavian)
The Eagle Rules
Amir  (Muslim)
Populous. Full. Prosperous. Amply Settled. Civilized. Also Used to Refer to a Prince or Ruler
Amo  (Italian)
The Eagle Rules
Amoldo  (Spanish)
The Eagle Rules
843 names found for "Rule"   (page 1 of 17) 

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Additional Names

Alyx | Vardhaka | Jinx | Meghnad | Phlegethon | Margaretta | Shaw | Kyan | Shimi | Pauline | Vashni | Bee | Jan | Konrad | Vishwas |