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Meaning of the Name Stan

297 names found for "Stan"   (page 5 of 6) 

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The first name Stan is of German origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

German: From the Name Stanley

Similar Names

Satan | Seton | Shetan | Steen | Stein | Stem | Sten | Stian | Stoian | Stone |

Related Names

Stanbeny  (English)
From the Stone Fortress
Stanburh  (English)
From the Stone Fortress
Stanbury  (English)
From the Stone Fortress
StancIyf  (English)
From the Rocky Diff
Stancliff  (English)
From the Rocky Diff
Standish  (English)
From the Stony Park
Stands  (Czechoslovakian)
Camp Glory
Stanedisc  (English)
From the Stony Park
Stanfeld  (English)
From the Stony Field
Stanfield  (English)
From the Stony Field
Stanford  (English)
Stony Ford; Stony Meadow. Surname
Stanhop  (English)
From the Stony Hollow
Stanhope  (English)
From the Stony Hollow
Stanislas  (Polish)
Glorious Camp
Stanislas  (Slavic)
Military Glory
Stanislaus  (Slavic)
Camp Glory
Stanislaus  (Slavic)
Military Glory
Stanislaus  (Polish)
Variant of Stanislas: Glorious Camp
Stanislav  (Czechoslovakian)
Camp Glory
Stanislav  (Slavic)
Glory of the Camp
Stanislav  (Slavic)
Military Glory
Stanislav  (Russian)
Stand of Glory (Stas,Slavik)
Stanislava  (Latin)
Stanislaw  (Polish)
From the Name Stanislav
Stanislov  (Russian)
Stanley  (English)
Cold, Sardonic, Handsome, Inclined to Overrate His Abilities (Stan, Stanly, Stash, Stosh)
Stanley  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' Sir John Stanley. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Sir William Stanley. 'King Richard Iii' Lord Stanley, Called Also Earl of Derby
Stanley  (German)
Rocky Meadow
Stanley  (English)
Stony Field; Lives by the Stony Grove
Stanly  (English)
Lives by the Stony Grove
Stannes  (Slavic)
Military Glory
Stansie  (Italian)
Stanton  (English)
Stony Meadow. Surname
Stanton  (English)
Town of Stones
Stantun  (English)
From the Stony Farm
Stanway  (English)
Lives by the Stony Road
Stanweg  (English)
Lives by the Stony Road
Stanwic  (English)
From the Stony Village
Stanwick  (English)
From the Stony Village
Stanwik  (English)
From the Stony Village
Stanwode  (English)
From the Stony Forest
Stanwood  (English)
From the Stony Forest
Stanwyck  (English)
Dweller at the Rocky Village (Stanwick)
Stanwyk  (English)
From the Stony Village
Stasio  (Slavic)
Stand of Glory
Tahpenes  (Biblical)
Standard, Flight, Temptation
Tanis  (Spanish)
Spanish Abbreviation of Estanislao 'Make Famous' from the Name Borne by Several Slavic Kings and Three Saints
Tanis  (Slavic)
Spanish Abbreviation of Estanislao 'Make Famous' from the Name Borne by Several Slavic Kings and Three Saints
Telemachus  (Greek)
Distant Fighter
297 names found for "Stan"   (page 5 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Lolonyo | Elias | Serah | Jerome | Demetrius | Rigby | Jeremai | Gill | Andere | Luiza | Bricriu | Nathir | Drysi | Rinnah | Blount |