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Names That Mean Stan

297 names found for "Stan"   (page 1 of 6) 

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Looking for names that mean Stan? We couldn't find the exact name Stan, but listed below are some first names meaning Stan or names similar to the word Stan.

Similar Names

Satan | Seton | Shetan | Steen | Stein | Stem | Sten | Stian | Stoian | Stone |

Related Names

Aaleyah  (Muslim)
Variant of Aleyah: Exalted. Highest Social Standing
Aban  (Islamic)
Clear, Distant
Aeccestane  (English)
Swordsman's Stone
Aethelstan  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Ahiezer  (Biblical)
Brother of Assistance
Aineislis  (Irish)
Glorious Stand
Alana  (Celtic)
From a Distant Place
Alberta  (Teutonic)
Noble, Brilliant, Outstanding
Albertina  (Teutonic)
Noble, Brilliant, Outstanding
Aleyah  (Muslim)
Exalted. Highest Social Standing
Aliyah  (Muslim)
Exalted. Highest Social Standing
Aliyyah  (Muslim)
Variant of Aliyah: Exalted. Highest Social Standing
Ansa  (Latin)
Anse  (Latin)
Apollo  (Arthurian Legend)
Uncle of Tristan
Atheistan  (English)
From the Old English Aethelstan Meaning Noble Stone. Atheistan Was an Anglo-saxon King. Sir Walter Scott Used the Name Atheistan in His Novel Ivanhoe
Athelstan  (English)
High-born Rock
Athelstan  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Baageshree  (Hindu)
Beauty,A Classical Tune/Taal in Hindustani Music
Barbara  (Greek)
Stranger, Cold, Distant, Idealistic
Bartram  (Danish)
Glorious Raven. The Raven Was Consecrated to the Norse War God Odin and Was the Emblem of the Danish Royal Standard
Bello  (African)
Benedict  (Latin)
Blessed, Decorous, Restrained, Understanding
Berrma  (Teutonic)
Outstanding Warrior Maiden
Berta  (Teutonic)
Noble, Outstanding, Brilliant
Bertie  (Teutonic)
Noble, Outstanding, Brilliant
Bertille  (Teutonic)
Outstanding Warrior Maiden
Bestandan  (Anglo Saxon)
Stands Beside
Binah  (Hebrew)
Brandon  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, ' Sir John Stanley. 'Henry Vi, Part Iii' Sir William Stanley. 'As You Like It' a Country Fellow, in Love With Audrey. 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' a Boy, Son to Page. 'Richard Iii' Sir Will
Bunah  (Biblical)
Building; Understanding
Cabbon  (Biblical)
As Though Understanding
Cabbon  (Biblical)
As Though Understanding
Camillus  (Latin)
Priest's Assistant; Temple Servant. This Name of Unknown Origin Was Used by Many Young Attendants of Priests and Priestesses in Ancient Rome
Catesby  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' Sir John Stanley. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Sir William Stanley. 'As You Like It' a Country Fellow, in Love With Audrey. 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' a Boy, Son to Page. 'King
Chay  (English)
A Diminutive of Charles, from the Old English 'Ceorl' Meaning Man. Sometimes Used As an Independent Name. Famous Bearers: British Long-distance Yachtsman Chay Blyth
Chelinda  (Arthurian Legend)
Tristan's Grandmother
Chelinde  (Arthurian Legend)
Tristan's Grandmother
Christan  (English)
Variant of Christian. Follower of Christ
Christan  (Greek)
Variant of Christian Follower of Christ; the Annointed
Christana  (English)
Variant of Christian. Follower of Christ
Christanne  (English)
Variant of Christian. Follower of Christ
Ciorstan  (Gaelic)
Coiseam  (Gaelic)
Steadfast, Constant; a Gaelic Form of Constantine
Conception  (Latin)
Congalie  (Irish)
Connal  (Irish)
Connie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Constance: Firm of Purpose. Constancy, from the Latin Constantia
Connie  (English)
Constancy; Steadfastness. A Diminutive of Constance, Sometimes Used As an Independent Name
Connie  (English)
From the Name Constance
297 names found for "Stan"   (page 1 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Victorine | Sibbie | Kendria | Alpha | Lotus | Chynna | Justin | Helena | Jesse | Barry | Carilynne | Rani | Brosca | Chev | Shankar |