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Names That Mean Tress

268 names found for "Tress"   (page 4 of 6) 

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Looking for names that mean Tress? We couldn't find the exact name Tress, but listed below are some first names meaning Tress or names similar to the word Tress.

Similar Names

Tereus | Tris | Troas | Tros | Teresa | Terese | Treasa | Treise | Tresa | Trisa |

Related Names

Joan  (English)
God is Gracious. Feminine Form of John Famous Bearers: Legendary Pope Joan, Who Was a Woman Masquerading As a Man; French Heroine Joan of Arc (Jeanne D'Arc); Actresses Joan Crawford, Joan Fontaine, an
Julie  (French)
Downy. French Form of Julia. Also Can Be a Feminine Form of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child. Famous Bearer: Actress Julie Andrews
Junae  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
June  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
June  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Junel  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Junelle  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Junette  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Juno  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Karmina  (Hebrew)
Song, Songstress
Katharine  (Latin)
Form of the Latin 'Katharina', from the Greek 'Aikaterina'. American Actress Katharine Hepburn Was Born In
Kermichaef  (Gaelic)
From Michael's Fortress
Kermichil  (Gaelic)
From Michael's Fortress
Kermichil  (Scottish)
From Michael's Fortress
Kikka  (German)
Mistress of All
Kim  (English)
Diminutive of Kimberly: from the Wood of the Royal Forest. from the Royal Fortress Meadow
Kimberley  (English)
Variant of Kimberly: from the Wood of the Royal Forest. from the Royal Fortress Meadow. A Surname and Place Name That Can Be Used for Both Genders, Although it is More Commonly Used As a Girl's Name
Kimberly  (English)
From the Wood of the Royal Forest. from the Royal Fortress Meadow. A Surname and Place Name That Can Be Used for Both Genders, Although it is More Commonly Used As a Girl's Name
Kimberly  (English)
By the Royal Fortress Meadow (Kim, Kimberlee, Kimberley, Kimmi, Kimmie, Kym)
Kimbra  (English)
From the Royal Fortress Meadow
Kinborough  (Gaelic)
Royal Fortress. Commonly Used in England Until the Th Century, But is Used Rarely Today
Lalita  (Sanskrit)
Pleasant; Playful. in Hindu Mythology Lalita is Mistress and Playmate to the Krishna
Lana  (Irish)
A Diminutive of Alana: Child. Famous Bearer: American Actress Lana Turner
Lesley  (Celtic)
From the Gray Fortress
Lesley  (Gaelic)
From the Gray Fortress
Lesley  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Grey Fortress
Lesley  (Gaelic)
From the Gray Fortress
Lesley  (Celtic)
From the Gray Fortress
Lesli  (Celtic)
Gray Fortress (Leslie, Lesley, Leslyl
Leslie  (Celtic)
From the Gray Fortress
Leslie  (Gaelic)
From the Gray Fortress
Leslie  (Celtic)
Gray Fortress (Lesley, Lesli, Lesly)
Leslie  (Gaelic)
From the Gray Fortress
Leslie  (Celtic)
From the Gray Fortress
Leslie  (Scottish)
Dwells at the Gray Fortress
Levana  (Latin)
Raise Up. Levana Was the Roman Mythological Goddess and Protectress of Newborns
Libitina  (Latin)
Protectress of the Dead
Lioslaith  (Scottish)
Dwells at the Gray Fortress
Liosliath  (Gaelic)
From the Gray Fortress
Liv  (Scandinavian)
Life. Famous Bearer: Actress Liv Ullman
Livana  (Latin)
Raise Up. Levana Was the Roman Mythological Goddess and Protectress of Newborns
Liza  (English)
Diminutive of Elizabeth: Oath of God. My God is Bountiful. Liza is Often Used As an Independent First Name. Famous Bearer: Singer and Actress Liza Minnelli (Born )
London  (English)
Fortress of the Moon. Origin: Middle English
London  (English)
Fortress of the Moon
Lorelei  (German)
'Temptress'; a Rocky Cliff on the Rhine River Dangerous to Boat Passage; the Lorelei Whose Singing Lures Men to Destruction
Lurleen  (German)
Lurlene  (German)
Lurlina  (German)
Lurline  (German)
Mana  (Latin)
Protectress of Stillborn Babies
268 names found for "Tress"   (page 4 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Bala | Beathan | Lippi | Krysia | Norman | Brody | Habib | Maera | Abd | Arthwr | Dumaka | Dericia | Tapti | Ngozi | Amoz |