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Names That Mean Tress

268 names found for "Tress"   (page 6 of 6) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Looking for names that mean Tress? We couldn't find the exact name Tress, but listed below are some first names meaning Tress or names similar to the word Tress.

Similar Names

Tereus | Tris | Troas | Tros | Teresa | Terese | Treasa | Treise | Tresa | Trisa |

Related Names

Varik  (English)
From the Fortress
Vivian  (English)
Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake in Malory's 'Mort D'Arthur'. Also Merlin's Enchantress
Viviana  (Latin)
In Malory's Mort D'Arthur Vivien Was the Lady of the Lake; Also the Enchantress of Merlin
Viviana  (English)
Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake in Malory's 'Mort D'Arthur'. Also Merlin's Enchantress
Vivianna  (English)
Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake in Malory's 'Mort D'Arthur'. Also Merlin's Enchantress
Vivianna  (Latin)
Variant of Vivien. in Malory's Mort D'Arthur Vivien Was the Lady of the Lake; Also the Enchantress of Merlin
Vivianne  (English)
Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake in Malory's 'Mort D'Arthur'. Also Merlin's Enchantress
Vivianne  (Latin)
Variant of Vivien. in Malory's Mort D'Arthur Vivien Was the Lady of the Lake; Also the Enchantress of Merlin
Vruyk  (English)
From the Fortress
Waeringawicum  (English)
Wanrrick  (English)
Warrick  (English)
Warwyk  (English)
Wilbur  (English)
From the Strong Fortress 'Willful; Bright.'
Willaburh  (English)
From the Strong Fortress
Wyoh  (English)
From the Us State Name Wyoming. Famous Bearer: Wyoming Knott, Character in Robert Heinlein's 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress'
Wyoming  (English)
From the Us State Name Wyoming. Famous Bearer: Wyoming Knott, Character in Robert Heinlein's 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress'
Zada  (Arabic)
Huntress; Fortunate

Additional Names

Loba | Gwrddywal | Kishwar | Dawn | Huseyin | Ezri | Eldride | Natalia | Slaed | Gilleasbuig | Blayr | Tierney | Amser | Veata | Helen |