Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.
Anastasius(Italian) Variant of Anastasio: Resurrection
Anaya(Hebrew) Variant of Anaiah: Answer of God; God Answers
Ancel(French) Variant of Ansel: Follower; One Who Follows a Nobleman
Anders(Scandinavian) Manly; Brave. Variant of English Andrew
Anders(English) Variant of Andrew: Brave; Manly. Famous Bearer: Prince Andrew
Anderson(Scandinavian) Manly; Brave. Variant of English Andrew
Andino(Italian) Manly; Brave. Variant of English Andrew
Andonios(Latin) Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Andonis(English) Variant of Andrew: Brave; Manly. Famous Bearer: Prince Andrew
Andonis(Latin) Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Andor(English) Variant of Andrew: Brave; Manly. Famous Bearer: Prince Andrew
Andras(Welsh) Manly; Brave. Variant of English Andrew
Andray(French) Variant of Andre: Masculine; Manly; Brave
Andre(Portuguese) Manly; Brave. Variant of English Andrew
Andre(English) Variant of Andrew: Brave; Manly. Famous Bearer: Prince Andrew
Andre'(Scottish) Variant of Andrew: Manly. from the Greek Andrew. Has Long Been a Popular Scottish Name, Because St. Andrew is the Patron Saint of Scotland After Whom the Town of St Andrews Was Named
Andreas(Greek) Manly; Brave. Variant of English Andrew
Andreas(Scottish) Variant of Andrew: Manly. from the Greek Andrew. Has Long Been a Popular Scottish Name, Because St. Andrew is the Patron Saint of Scotland After Whom the Town of St Andrews Was Named
Andrei(Slavic) Manly; Brave. Variant of English Andrew
Angelina(Greek) Variant of Angela: Feminine Form of Angel, Meaning Messenger or Angel. in , Italian Saint Angela Merici, Founded the Ursuline Order of Nuns at Brescia
Angeline(Greek) Variant of Angela: Feminine Form of Angel, Meaning Messenger or Angel. in , Italian Saint Angela Merici, Founded the Ursuline Order of Nuns at Brescia
Angelique(Latin) Variant of Angelica: Angel; Like an Angel. from Angelicus Meaning Angelic
Angelique(French) A Variant of Angelica Meaning Angelic. Angel; Like an Angel
Anis(Muslim) Variant of Anees: Companion. Genial. Close Friend
Anis(Greek) Variant of the Greek Agnes, Poor, Pure, or Chaste. St. Agnes Was a 3rd Century Christian Martyr Whose January St Feast Day is Described in Keats' Poem 'The Eve of St Agnes'