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Names That Mean Varian

6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 19 of 121) 

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Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.

Similar Names

Varen | Varun | Varana | Varina |

Related Names

Barlowe  (English)
Variant of Barlow: Hillside
Barnabie  (Hebrew)
Variant of Barnabas: Comfort
Barnabus  (Hebrew)
Variant of Barnabas: Comfort
Barnaby  (English)
A Variant of the Hebrew Barnabas Meaning Son of Consolation, Son of Exhortation, or Son of Comfort. Famous Bearer: Barnaby Rudge, a Character in Th Century Charles Dickens' Novel Barnaby Rudge
Barnaby  (Hebrew)
Son of Prophecy. Also a Variant of Barnabas: Comfort
Barnard  (English)
Strong As a Bear. A Variant of Bernard Which Was in Common Usage in Medieval Britain.Variant of Bernard
Barnard  (German)
Variant of Bernard Strong As a Bear
Barnardel  (German)
Variant of Bernard: Brave
Barnardo  (German)
Variant of Bernard: Brave
Barnebas  (Hebrew)
Son of Prophecy. Also a Variant of Barnabas: Comfort
Barnet  (English)
Of Honorable Birth. Also Derives from the Old English Word for Burning. Also in Use As a Variant of Bernard
Barney  (English)
Used As a Diminutive of Barnard, Meaning Strong As a Bear. Also a Diminutive of Barnaby, Which is a Variant of the Hebrew Barnabas Meaning Son of Consolation, Son of Exhortation, or Son of Comfort
Barnham  (English)
Variant of Barnum: from the Baron's Home
Barnhard  (German)
Variant of Bernard: Brave
Barnhardo  (German)
Variant of Bernard: Brave
Barr  (Irish)
Variant of Baird: Bard; Travelling Musician/Singer
Barrak  (Hebrew)
Variant of Barak: Lightning.Flash of Lightning
Barrclay  (English)
Variant of Barclay: Birch Valley; Birch Tree Meadow
Barret  (English)
Variant of Barnett
Barrett  (English)
Bear Power. Introduced to Britain During the Norman Conquest. Subsequently Became Common As a Surname. Also a Variant of Barnett
Barrlow  (English)
Variant of Barlow: Hillside
Barron  (English)
Warrior; Variant of the Title Baron
Barrymore  (Gaelic)
Variant of Barry: Pointed Object
Barth  (English)
Son of the Earth; Variant of Bartholomew Often Used As a Surname
Barthelemy  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Barthelmy  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartholome  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartholomeo  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartholomew  (Hebrew)
Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a Variant of Tolmai, Meaning Abounding in Furrows.) Famous Bearer: St Bartholomew Was an Apostle of Jesus Christ
Bartholomieu  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartle  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Bartholomew: Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a Variant of Tolmai, Meaning Abounding in Furrows.) Famous Bearer: St Bartholomew Was an Apostle of Jesus Christ
Bartlet  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Bartholomew: Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a Variant of Tolmai, Meaning Abounding in Furrows.) Famous Bearer: St Bartholomew Was an Apostle of Jesus Christ
Bartlett  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Bartholomew: Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a Variant of Tolmai, Meaning Abounding in Furrows.) Famous Bearer: St Bartholomew Was an Apostle of Jesus Christ
Bartoli  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartolo  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartolomeo  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Basaam  (Muslim)
Variant of Basam: Smiling
Baseem  (Muslim)
Variant of Basim: Smiling
Baseerat  (Muslim)
Variant of Basirat: Insight. Perception
Bashaar  (Muslim)
Variant of Bashar: Bringer of Glad Tidings
Basharaat  (Muslim)
Variant of Basharat: Good Omen; Prophecy
Basheera  (Muslim)
Variant of Bashira: Glad Tiding. Happy News
Bashirah  (Muslim)
Variant of Bashira: Glad Tiding. Happy News
Basile  (English)
Variant of Basil: Royal; Kingly
Basilio  (English)
Variant of Basil: Royal; Kingly
Basilios  (English)
Variant of Basil: Royal; Kingly
Basilius  (English)
Variant of Basil: Royal; Kingly
Basset  (English)
Variant of Bassett: Short
Bat  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Bartholomew: Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a Variant of Tolmai, Meaning Abounding in Furrows.) Famous Bearer: St Bartholomew Was an Apostle of Jesus Christ
Bates  (English)
Variant of Bartholomew Often Used As a Surname
6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 19 of 121) 

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