Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.
Barnaby(English) A Variant of the Hebrew Barnabas Meaning Son of Consolation, Son of Exhortation, or Son of Comfort. Famous Bearer: Barnaby Rudge, a Character in Th Century Charles Dickens' Novel Barnaby Rudge
Barnaby(Hebrew) Son of Prophecy. Also a Variant of Barnabas: Comfort
Barnard(English) Strong As a Bear. A Variant of Bernard Which Was in Common Usage in Medieval Britain.Variant of Bernard
Barnard(German) Variant of Bernard Strong As a Bear
Barnebas(Hebrew) Son of Prophecy. Also a Variant of Barnabas: Comfort
Barnet(English) Of Honorable Birth. Also Derives from the Old English Word for Burning. Also in Use As a Variant of Bernard
Barney(English) Used As a Diminutive of Barnard, Meaning Strong As a Bear. Also a Diminutive of Barnaby, Which is a Variant of the Hebrew Barnabas Meaning Son of Consolation, Son of Exhortation, or Son of Comfort
Barnham(English) Variant of Barnum: from the Baron's Home
Barron(English) Warrior; Variant of the Title Baron
Barrymore(Gaelic) Variant of Barry: Pointed Object
Barth(English) Son of the Earth; Variant of Bartholomew Often Used As a Surname
Barthelemy(English) Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Barthelmy(English) Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartholome(English) Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartholomeo(English) Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartholomew(Hebrew) Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a Variant of Tolmai, Meaning Abounding in Furrows.) Famous Bearer: St Bartholomew Was an Apostle of Jesus Christ
Bartholomieu(English) Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartle(Hebrew) Diminutive of Bartholomew: Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a Variant of Tolmai, Meaning Abounding in Furrows.) Famous Bearer: St Bartholomew Was an Apostle of Jesus Christ
Bartlet(Hebrew) Diminutive of Bartholomew: Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a Variant of Tolmai, Meaning Abounding in Furrows.) Famous Bearer: St Bartholomew Was an Apostle of Jesus Christ
Bartlett(Hebrew) Diminutive of Bartholomew: Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a Variant of Tolmai, Meaning Abounding in Furrows.) Famous Bearer: St Bartholomew Was an Apostle of Jesus Christ
Bartoli(English) Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartolo(English) Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bartolomeo(English) Variant of Bartholomew: Son of a Farmer. Both Surname and Given Name
Bat(Hebrew) Diminutive of Bartholomew: Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a Variant of Tolmai, Meaning Abounding in Furrows.) Famous Bearer: St Bartholomew Was an Apostle of Jesus Christ
Bates(English) Variant of Bartholomew Often Used As a Surname