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Names That Mean Varian

6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 3 of 121) 

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Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.

Similar Names

Varen | Varun | Varana | Varina |

Related Names

Abdul Wadud  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Wadood: Servant of the Loving
Abdul Wahab  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Wahaab: Servant of the Giver
Abdul Wahid  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Waahid: Servant of the One
Abdul-Alim  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-aleem: Servant of the Omniscient
Abdul-Azim  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-azeem: Servant of the Mighty
Abdul-Aziz  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-azeez: Servant of the Mighty. The Powerful
Abdul-Bari  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-baari: Servant of the Creator
Abdul-Basit  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-baasit: Servant of the Extender, Creator
Abdul-Fatah  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-fataah: Servant of the Opener (Of the Gates of Sustenance)
Abdul-Ghafur  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-ghafoor: Servant of the Forgiver
Abdul-Hadi  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-haady: Servant of the Guide
Abdul-Hafiz  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-haafiz: Servant of the Protector
Abdul-Haleem  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-halim: Servant of the Mild. Patient
Abdul-Hameed  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-hamid: Servant of the Praiseworthy. The Ever-praised
Abdul-Hasib  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-haseeb: Servant of the Respected. Esteemed
Abdul-Jalil  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-jaleel: Servant of the Great. Revered
Abdul-Karim  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-kareem: Servant of the Noble. Generous
Abdul-Khaliq  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-khaaliq: Servant of the Creator
Abdul-Latif  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-lateef: Servant of the Kind
Abdul-Majid  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-majeed: Servant of the Glorious
Abdul-Matin  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-mateen: Servant of the Firm. Strong
Abdul-Mujib  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-mujeeb: Servant of the Responder
Abdul-Qadir  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-qaadir: Servant of the Capable
Abdul-Qudus  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-qudoos: Servant of the Most Holy
Abdul-Raheem  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-rahim: Servant of the Most Compassionate
Abdul-Rahmaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-rahman: Servant of the Mercifully Gracious
Abdul-Rashid  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-rasheed: Servant of the Rightly Guided
Abdul-Rauf  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-raouf: Servant of the Most Merciful
Abdul-Razaq  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-razaaq: Servant of the Maintainer. The Provider
Abdul-Sabur  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-saboor: Servant of the Patient
Abdul-Shakur  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-shakoor: Servant of the Most Thankful
Abdul-Wadud  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-wadood: Servant of the Loving
Abdul-Wahab  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-wahaab: Servant of the Giver
Abdul-Wahid  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-waahid: Servant of the One
Abdulla  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdallah: Servant of Allah; Servant of God
Abdullah  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdallah: Servant of Allah; Servant of God
Abdur Rahman  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdul Rahman: One Who Serves a Merciful Man
Abdur Razzaq  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Raziq: Servant of the Provider
Abdur Rehman  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdul Rahman: One Who Serves a Merciful Man
Abdus Salam  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Salam: Servant of Peace
Abeer  (Muslim)
Variant of Abir: Fragrance
Abela  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apela: Breath; Breathing Spirit (Hawaiian Variant of Abel)
Abell  (Hebrew)
Exhalation of Breath. The Second Son of Adam in the Bible. The Variant Able is Used As an English Surname
Aberahama  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apelahama: Father to Many (Hawaiian Variant of Abraham)
Aberama  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apelama: He Who Has Many Children
Abesaloma  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apekaloma: Peaceful Father
Abia  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apia: God is My Father
Abia  (Hebrew)
Variant of Aviah: My Father is Lord
Abiah  (Hebrew)
Variant of Aviah: My Father is Lord
Abiram  (Hebrew)
Variant of Aviram: My Father is Strong; Father of Heights
6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 3 of 121) 

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Additional Names

Jillianna | Wattson | Tristian | Taurus | Davison | Mate | Pratap | Sabrina | Kristen | Evers | Alanna | Sarepta | Phoolendu | Crossley | Alawn |