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Names That Mean Varian

6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 4 of 121) 

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Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.

Similar Names

Varen | Varun | Varana | Varina |

Related Names

Abiram  (Hebrew)
Variant of Aviram: My Father is Strong; Father of Heights
Abisai  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apikai: Gift of God; Gift from God
Abishai  (Hebrew)
Variant of Avishai: Gift from God
Abital  (Hebrew)
Variant of Avital: Father of the Dew
Able  (Hebrew)
Exhalation of Breath. The Second Son of Adam in the Bible. The Variant Able is Used As an English Surname
Abrahamo  (Hebrew)
Variant of Abraham: Father of Many
Abrahan  (Hebrew)
Variant of Abraham: Father of Many
Abran  (Hebrew)
Variant of Abraham: Father of Many
Abran  (Spanish)
Variant of Abram 'Exalted Father.'
Abrao  (Hebrew)
Variant of Abraham: Father of Many
Absalon  (Hebrew)
Variant of Absalom: Father of Peace; Handsome Prince
Achazia  (Hebrew)
Variant of Achazya: God Has Taken
Achaziah  (Hebrew)
Variant of Achazya: God Has Taken
Achazyahu  (Hebrew)
Variant of Achazya: God Has Taken
Achiyahu  (Hebrew)
Variant of Achiya: God is My Brother
Adaia  (Hebrew)
Variant of Adaiah: Witness of God
Adair  (Scottish)
From the Oak Tree Ford. Uncertain Origin. May Be a Variant of Edgar, or from the Gaelic for 'Oak Tree Ford'. Used for Many Hundreds of Years As Both Surname and First Name
Adair  (English)
Variant of Edgar: Fortunate and Powerful. from the Old English Name Eadgar, a Compound of 'Ead' Meaning Rich or Happy, and 'Gar' Meaning Spear. Famous Bearer: King Edgar of England; American Author Ed
Adalene  (French)
Variant of Adela
Adalyn  (French)
Variant of Adela
Adamec  (Hebrew)
Variant of Adam: Man of the Red Earth. Adam Was the First Man Created by God
Adamek  (Hebrew)
Variant of Adam: Man of the Red Earth. Adam Was the First Man Created by God
Adamh  (Hebrew)
Variant of Adam: Man of the Red Earth. Adam Was the First Man Created by God
Adamik  (Hebrew)
Variant of Adam: Man of the Red Earth. Adam Was the First Man Created by God
Adamka  (Hebrew)
Variant of Adam: Man of the Red Earth. Adam Was the First Man Created by God
Adamko  (Hebrew)
Variant of Adam: Man of the Red Earth. Adam Was the First Man Created by God
Adams  (Hebrew)
Variant of Adam: Man of the Red Earth. Adam Was the First Man Created by God
Adamu  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Akamu: Red Earth
Adan  (Spanish)
Variant of Adam 'From the Red Earth.'
Adaya  (Hebrew)
Variant of Adaiah: Witness of God
Addam  (Hebrew)
Variant of Adam 'From the Red Earth.'
Addeva  (Muslim)
Variant of Adiva: Pleasant. Gentle
Adeeba  (Muslim)
Variant of Adiba: Literary Woman. Authoress. Cultured. Polite
Adele  (German)
Variant of Adela: Pleasant; of the Nobility. Noble. from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning Noble
Adelina  (German)
Variant of Adeline: Sweet; of the Nobility. Noble. from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning 'Noble
Adelina  (French)
Of the Nobility. Noble. Variant of Adela
Adeline  (German)
Variant of Adela: Pleasant; of the Nobility. Noble. from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning Noble
Adeline  (French)
Variant of Adela
Adelynn  (French)
Variant of Adela
Aden  (Hebrew)
Variant of Adin: Attractive; Handsome; Pleasure Given. Adin Was a Biblical Exile Who Returned to Israel from Babylon
Adene  (German)
Variant of Aline: Diminutive of Adeline, from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning Noble
Aderiela  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Akeliela: God's Majesty
Adhamhnan  (Irish)
Variant of Adamnan: Little Adam
Adib  (Muslim)
Variant of Adeeb: Scholar. Litttrateur
Adiel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Adael: God's Ornament
Adila  (Muslim)
Variant of Adila: Just. Honest. Equal
Adilah  (Muslim)
Variant of Adila: Just. Honest. Equal
Adilene  (French)
Variant of Adela
Adine  (German)
Variant of Aline: Diminutive of Adeline, from the Old German 'Athal' Meaning Noble
Adiriano  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Akiliano: from the City of Adrian
6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 4 of 121) 

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Additional Names

Jerolin | Dilan | Adolf | Tito | Gormly | Eggther | Marcel | Luvenia | Tiimu | Barabal | Mahdi | Gellert | Khaalida | Else | Tal |