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Names That Mean Varian

6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 64 of 121) 

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Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.

Similar Names

Varen | Varun | Varana | Varina |

Related Names

Georgiana  (Latin)
Variant of Georgia
Georgianna  (Latin)
Variant of Georgia
Georgina  (Latin)
Variant of Georgia
Georgine  (French)
Variant of Georgia
Geovani  (Italian)
Variant of John 'God Has Shown Favor.' See Also Jovan
Geovanni  (Italian)
Variant of John 'God Has Shown Favor.' See Also Jovan
Geovanny  (Italian)
Variant of John 'God Has Shown Favor.' See Also Jovan
Geovany  (Italian)
Variant of John 'God Has Shown Favor.' See Also Jovan
Geronimo  (Greek)
Sacred Name. Variant of the Saint's Name Jerome. Th Century American Indian Geronimo Was One of the Last of the Apache Warrior Chiefs
Gerontius  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Geraint: a Variant of the Latin Gerontius, from the Greek 'Geron' Meaning Old. Famous Bearer: Welsh Opera Singer Sir Geraint Evans
Gerred  (English)
Variant of Garret from Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Gerrit  (Dutch)
Variant of Gerald Rules by the Spear
Gerritt  (Dutch)
Variant of Gerald Rules by the Spear
Ghaa'ib  (Muslim)
Variant of Ghaib: Hidden. Absent. Away
Ghaalib  (Muslim)
Variant of Ghalib: Conqueror. Victor. Dominant
Ghaazee  (Muslim)
Variant of Ghazi: War Champion. Hero. Conqueror
Ghaazi  (Muslim)
Variant of Ghazi: War Champion. Hero. Conqueror
Ghasaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Ghasan: Old Arabic Name
Ghayb  (Muslim)
Variant of Ghaib: Hidden. Absent. Away
Ghazaala  (Muslim)
Variant of Ghazala: Gazelle. Deer
Ghiyaath  (Muslim)
Variant of Ghauth: Help. Succor
Ghulaam  (Muslim)
Variant of Ghulam: Slave. Servant
Gia  (Italian)
God is Gracious. Variant of Jane
Giana  (Italian)
God is Gracious. Variant of Jane
Gianara  (Italian)
God is Gracious. Variant of Jane
Gianina  (Italian)
God is Gracious. Variant of Jane
Gianna  (Italian)
God is Gracious. Variant of Jane
Giannina  (Italian)
God is Gracious. Variant of Jane
Giles  (English)
An English Variant of the Latin Name Aegidius, Meaning Kid or Goatskin. Famous Bearer: the Sixth Century Hermit St Giles Was Patron Saint of Cripples and Beggars
Gillermo  (Spanish)
Variant of William 'Resolute Protector.'
Gillian  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child. Variant of Juliana
Gillot  (English)
A Variant of Jill, Which is Believed to Have Been the Origin of the Term 'To Jilt', Used When a Person Unexpectedly Rejects a Lover or Fianct
Ginette  (German)
Variant of Genevieve: of the Race of Women. White Wave. Famous Bearer: Saint Genevieve is the Patron Saint of Paris, Believed to Have Protected Paris from Attila the Hun
Ginevra  (Italian)
An Italian Variant of Guinevere, Meaning Fair and Yielding
Ginevra  (Arthurian Legend)
Variant of Guinevere: Fair One. Guinevere Was King Arthur's Mythological Queen
Giovani  (Italian)
Variant of John 'God Has Shown Favor.' See Also Jovan
Giovanni  (Italian)
Italian Forrn of John 'God is Gracious' Variant of John 'God Has Shown Favor.' See Also Jovan
Giovanny  (Italian)
Variant of John 'God Has Shown Favor.' See Also Jovan
Giovany  (Italian)
Variant of John 'God Has Shown Favor.' See Also Jovan
Giovonni  (Italian)
Variant of John 'God Has Shown Favor.' See Also Jovan
Giuliana  (Italian)
Variant of Juliana. Young
Giulio  (Italian)
Youthful; Variant of Julian and Julio
Glad  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Gladys: Derived from the Old Welsh Name Gwladys, a Variant of Claudia, Meaning Lame. Also Derived from the Welsh 'Gwledig', Meaning Territorial Ruler
Gladis  (Welsh)
Variant of Claudia: Lame
Gladys  (Welsh)
Derived from the Old Welsh Name Gwladys, a Variant of Claudia, Meaning Lame. Also Derived from the Welsh 'Gwledig', Meaning Territorial Ruler. Famous Bearer: British Actress Dame Gladys Cooper
Gladys  (French)
Variant of Claudia: a Feminine Form of Claud, a Variant of the Latin Claudium Meaning Lame. Claudia Was Mentioned in the Book of Timothy in the New Testament, and Has Been Common in the English-speaki
Glenis  (Welsh)
Variant of Glenda. Fair, Good, Holy
Glenn  (Gaelic)
From the Glen. Valley. Variant of Glenna. Famous Bearer: Actress Glenn Close
Glenys  (Welsh)
Variant of Glenda. Fair, Good, Holy
Glynae  (Welsh)
Variant of Glenda. Fair; Good
6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 64 of 121) 

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Additional Names

Henrik | Azizah | Nikita | Padgett | Brunhilda | Bairn | Tait | Inese | Irving | Caitlin | Noy | Wematin | Brandeis | Durante | Hina |