Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.
Fatimah(Muslim) Variant of Fatima: One Who Weans. Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad
Fatimah(Arabic) Variant of Fatima. Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad; One of Four Perfect Women Mentioned in the Koran. The Other Three Were Aisha; Khadijah; and Mary
Fatin(Muslim) Variant of Fatinah: Captivating. Alluring. Enchanting. Fascinating. Charming
Faulkner(English) Variant of Falkner: Falconer; One Who Trains Falcons
Favianna(Latin) Feminine Variant of Fabian from the Roman Family Name Fabius
Faviola(Latin) Feminine Variant of Fabian from the Roman Family Name Fabius
Fawziyyah(Muslim) Variant of Fauzia: Victorious. Triumphant. Successful
Fay(English) Variant of Faith. Confidence; Trust; Belief. Also Means Magic or Fairy. from 'Fay', Meaning Fairy. Famous Bearers: British Actress Fay Compton, American Actress Faye Dunaway
Fay(French) Fairy. Also a Variant of Faith, Meaning: Confidence; Trust; Belief
Fayadh(Muslim) Variant of Fayyadh: Generous. Liberal
Fayanna(English) Variant of Faith. Confidence; Trust; Belief
Fayanna(French) Also a Variant of Faith, Meaning: Confidence; Trust; Belief
Faye(English) Variant of Faith. Confidence; Trust; Belief
Faye(French) Fairy. Also a Variant of Faith, Meaning: Confidence; Trust; Belief