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Names That Mean Varian

6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 97 of 121) 

<< | < | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | > | >>

Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.

Similar Names

Varen | Varun | Varana | Varina |

Related Names

Marlene  (German)
Variant of Madeline 'Woman from Magdala
Marlenne  (English)
Feminine of Marlon. Also a Variant of Marlene: Woman from Magdala
Marley  (English)
Marshy Meadow. Also Variant of Marlenel Woman from Magdala
Marlin  (English)
Feminine of Marlon. Also a Variant of Marlene: Woman from Magdala
Marlina  (German)
Variant of Madeline 'Woman from Magdala
Marlina  (English)
Variant of Marlene, Derived from Madeline: Woman from Magdala
Marlinda  (German)
Variant of Madeline 'Woman from Magdala
Marlinda  (English)
Variant of Marlene, Derived from Madeline: Woman from Magdala
Marline  (English)
Variant of Madeline 'Woman from Magdala.'
Marline  (German)
Variant of Madeline 'Woman from Magdala
Marline  (English)
Variant of Marlene, Derived from Madeline: Woman from Magdala
Marlisa  (English)
Variant of Marlene, Derived from Madeline: Woman from Magdala
Marliss  (English)
Variant of Marlene, Derived from Madeline: Woman from Magdala
Marlowe  (English)
Variant of Marlene, Derived from Madeline: Woman from Magdala
Marlynn  (English)
Feminine of Marlon; Variant of Marlene 'Woman from Magdala. '
Marlys  (English)
Variant of Marlene, Derived from Madeline: Woman from Magdala
Marlyssa  (English)
Variant of Marlene 'Woman from Magdala.'
Marlyssa  (English)
Variant of Marlene, Derived from Madeline: Woman from Magdala
Marmareen  (Muslim)
Variant of Marmarin: Like Marble
Marnee  (Israeli)
Rejoicing. Variant of Marina
Marnell  (Israeli)
Rejoicing. Variant of Marina
Marni  (Israeli)
Rejoicing. Variant of Marina
Marnie  (Israeli)
Rejoicing. Variant of Marina
Marnisha  (Israeli)
Rejoicing. Variant of Marina
Marquisa  (French)
Variant of Marquise. Royalty. French Royalty Title
Marquisha  (French)
Variant of Marquise. Royalty. French Royalty Title
Marsaili  (Scottish)
A Pearl;A Gaelic Form of Margery, Which is a Variant of Margaret and Marcella, a French Name. Var: Marsail. (Mar-say-lee)
Marsha  (English)
Variant of Marcia
Marsha  (Latin)
Variant of Marcia: Mars (Roman God of War). Derived from the Roman Clan 'Marcius'. Warring
Marshal  (French)
Variant of Marshall: Horse Servant; Marshal; Steward
Marta  (Aramaic)
Variant of Martha: Lady
Martyn  (Latin)
Variant of Martin: of Mars (The Roman God of War); Warlike. Famous Bearer: Black Civil-rights Leader Martin Luther King
Marvin  (Welsh)
Variant of Mervyn: Form of Merlin: from the Sea Fortress
Marvyn  (English)
Variant of Marvin: Famous Friend
Marvyn  (Welsh)
Variant of Mervyn: Form of Merlin: from the Sea Fortress
Marwaareed  (Muslim)
Variant of Marwarid: Pearl. Jewel
Mary  (English)
Bitter. Variant of Miriam. The Biblical Mother of Christ. Names Like Dolores and Mercedes Have Been Created to Express Aspects of Mary's Life and Worship
Maryam  (Greek)
Bitter. Variant of Mary
Maryam  (Arabic)
Variant of Mary: Bitter
Maryan  (English)
Variant of Mary, Meaning Bitter, Often Used As English Surname
Marysa  (Dutch)
Variant of Maria
Maryse  (Dutch)
Variant of Maria
Maryssa  (Latin)
Of the Sea. Variant of Marie and Mary
Mas'ood  (Muslim)
Variant of Mas'Ud: Happy. Lucky
Mashkoor  (Muslim)
Variant of Mashkur: Praiseworthy. Thankful
Masood  (Muslim)
Variant of Masoud: Happy. Lucky
Masroor  (Muslim)
Variant of Masrur: Pleased. Happy
Mastoora  (Muslim)
Variant of Mastura: Hidden. Chaste
Mathew  (Hebrew)
Variant of Matthew: Gift of the Lord; Gift from God
Mathieu  (Hebrew)
Variant of Matthew: Gift of the Lord; Gift from God
6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 97 of 121) 

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Additional Names

Ismael | Anneli | Wacian | Eldridge | Holiday | Arvin | Lydda | Fritjof | Alia | Destinie | Rami | Ramona | Delmar | Sophia | Nadiyah |