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Names That Mean Varian

6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 99 of 121) 

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Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.

Similar Names

Varen | Varun | Varana | Varina |

Related Names

Miftaah  (Muslim)
Variant of Miftah: Key. Opener
Mikaa'il  (Muslim)
Variant of Mikael: the Biblical Michael is the English Language Equivalent
Mikel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Michael
Miles  (Hebrew)
Variant of Michael: Who is Like God? Gift from God
Mina  (Muslim)
Variant of Meena: Starling. Heaven. Glass
Minhaaj  (Muslim)
Variant of Minhaj: Way. Program
Minyamin  (English)
Variant of Benjamin: Right-hand Son. Also a Variant of Benedict
Minyomei  (English)
Variant of Benjamin: Right-hand Son. Also a Variant of Benedict
Minyomi  (English)
Variant of Benjamin: Right-hand Son. Also a Variant of Benedict
Mir  (Muslim)
Variant of Meer: Mayor. Leader
Mira  (Slavic)
Variant of Myra and Miranda
Mirabella  (Latin)
Variant of Mirabel: Wonderful
Mirabelle  (Latin)
Variant of Mirabel: Wonderful
Mirella  (Latin)
Feminine Variant of Mireya from the Hebrew Male Name Amariah Meaning 'Jehovah Has Said
Mirelle  (Latin)
Feminine Variant of Mireya from the Hebrew Male Name Amariah Meaning 'Jehovah Has Said
Mireya  (Latin)
Feminine Variant of Mireya from the Hebrew Male Name Amariah Meaning 'Jehovah Has Said
Miri  (Slavic)
Variant of Myra and Miranda
Miriana  (Slavic)
Variant of Myra and Miranda
Misbaah  (Muslim)
Variant of Misbah: Lamp. Light
Mitzi  (Latin)
Variant of Maria: Commonly-used Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter. Popular With Both Spanish and Non-spanish Cultures
Mohamad  (Arabic)
Variant Used for Mohammad - Founder of Islamic Religion. Praiseworthy; Glorified
Mohamed  (Arabic)
Variant Used for Mohammad - Founder of Islamic Religion. Praiseworthy; Glorified
Mohamet  (Arabic)
Variant Used for Mohammad - Founder of Islamic Religion. Praiseworthy; Glorified
Mohammad  (Arabic)
Praiseworthy; Glorified. Mohammad - Founder of the Islamic Religion. Many Names and Variants Used for Mohammad
Mohammed  (Arabic)
Variant Used for Mohammad - Founder of Islamic Religion. Praiseworthy; Glorified
Moira  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter
Moira  (Scottish)
Variant of the Irish Maire from Mary: Bitter
Moneer  (Persian)
Variant of Monir: Shining
Moneereh  (Persian)
Variant of Monireh: Shining
Monica  (English)
Variant of Mona
Monika  (German)
Variant of Mona 'Madonna
Monique  (French)
Variant of Mona: Madonna. Wise
Monique  (Greek)
Variant of Monica: Alone. Advisor
Monique  (Latin)
Variant of Monica: to Advise. Counselor
Montagu  (French)
Variant of Montague: Pointed Hill. Steep Mountain. More Commonly Found As a Surname, Although Used Occasionally As a First Name
Montague  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Marquis of Montague. 'The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet' Romeo's Father, Head of the Montague House, at Variance With the Capulets
Monteene  (Latin)
Variant of Montana: Mountain
Montina  (Latin)
Variant of Montana: Mountain
Moonis  (Muslim)
Variant of Munis: Companion. Consoler
Moosa  (Muslim)
Variant of Musa: the Biblical Moses is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Moosaa Kaaiim  (Muslim)
Variant of Musa Kaim: Early Imam (Leader) of Islam
Moray  (Scottish)
Variant of Murray: Sea. A Scottish Surname and Place Name
Morris  (Latin)
Variant of Maurice: Moorish; Dark-skinned; Swarthy
Moshe  (Egyptian)
Variant of Moses: Son
Moss  (Egyptian)
Variant of Moses: Son
Moyna  (Irish)
Variant of Mona: Noble
Moyra  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter
Mu'aawin  (Muslim)
Variant of Mu'Awin: Helper. Assistant
Mu'een  (Muslim)
Variant of Mu'In: Assistant. Helper
Muaath  (Muslim)
Variant of Muath: Protected
6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 99 of 121) 

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Additional Names

Jetur | Nooh | Caroline | Keezheekoni | Roddrick | Grima | Daelan | Midas | Kazi | Albany | Ring | Bobby | Zaria | Deneen | Marika |