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Names That Mean Battle |
314 names found for "Battle" (page 5 of 7) |
Looking for names that mean Battle? We couldn't find the exact name Battle, but listed below are some first names meaning Battle or names similar to the word Battle.
Similar Names
Related Names
Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack
Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack
Diminutive of Matilda: Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack
Diminutive of Matilda: Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack
Diminutive of Matilda: Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack
Diminutive of Matilda: Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack
Variant of Matilda: Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack
Variant of Matilda: Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack
Variant of Matilda: Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack
Variant of Matilda: Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack
Diminutive of Matilda: Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack
Diminutive of Matilda: Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack