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Names That Mean Battle

314 names found for "Battle"   (page 7 of 7) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Looking for names that mean Battle? We couldn't find the exact name Battle, but listed below are some first names meaning Battle or names similar to the word Battle.

Similar Names

Batul | Batula |

Related Names

Wigmaere  (English)
Famous in Battle
Wybert  (English)
Bright Battle
Wymer  (English)
Famous in Battle
Wystan  (English)
Battle Stone
Xiomar  (German)
Famous in Battle. Variant of Geomar
Xiomar  (Italian)
Famous in Battle. Variant of Geomar
Xiomara  (Spanish)
Ready for Battle
Yudhisthir  (Indian)
firm in battle
Zelda  (German)
Diminutive of Griselda: from the Old German, Meaning 'Grey Battle' or 'Christian Battle'
Zelda  (Teutonic)
Gray Haired Battle Maiden
Zelde  (Teutonic)
Gray Haired Battle Maiden
Zereld  (Teutonic)
Armored Battle Maiden
Zerelda  (Teutonic)
Armored Battle Maiden
Zerelde  (Teutonic)
Armored Battle Maiden

Additional Names

Zulema | Yonah | Philyra | Delroy | Dayna | Wolfcot | Southern | Eydie | Marcella | Celestina | Harrietta | Katen | Savarna | Gwen | Pellikita |