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Names That Mean Bear

1332 names found for "Bear"   (page 20 of 27) 

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Looking for names that mean Bear? We couldn't find the exact name Bear, but listed below are some first names meaning Bear or names similar to the word Bear.

Similar Names

Baari | Babar | Bar | Bari | Barr | Bary | Beer | Beera | Beeri | Beor |

Related Names

Junior  (Latin)
Younger. Used in the United States to Distinguish a Son from His Father, When Both Bear the Same Name
Kaelah  (English)
Variant of Kay, Meaning: Keeper of the Keys; Pure. Famous Bearer: Kayla is a Character on Daytime Tv Series 'Days of Our Lives. '
Kallista  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. in Mythology the Arcadian Nymph Calista Transformed into a She-bear; Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Kalvin  (English)
Variant of Calvin: Bald. Famous Bearers: Early Th Century American President Coolidge; Fashion Designer Calvin Klein
Kay  (Scandinavian)
Keeper of the Keys. Also an Abbreviation of Katherine: Pure. Famous Bearer: Sir Kay Was One of King Arthur's Knights
Kay  (Latin)
Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Feminine Form of Gaius: to Rejoice. Famous Bearer: Roman Dictator Gaius Julius Caesar
Kayla  (English)
Variants of Kay: Keeper of the Keys; Pure. Famous Bearer: Kayla is a Character on Daytime Tv Series 'Days of Our Lives. '
Keir  (Irish)
Dusky; Dark-haired. Famous Bearer: Actor Keir Dullea
Kelvin  (English)
River Man. from Old English Words 'ship' and 'Friend'. Famous Bearer: British Physicist Lord Kelvin (-)
Ken  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Kenneth: Handsome. Root of the Surname Mackenzie. Famous Bearer: Kenneth Grahame (- ), Author of the Wind in the Willows
Kenneth  (Scottish)
Handsome. Root of the Surname Mackenzie. Famous Bearer: Kenneth Grahame (- ), Author of the Wind in the Willows
Keren  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Kerenhappuch: Horn of Antimony (Antimony Was Used in Ancient Times As a Cosmetic). Famous Bearer: Old Testament Keren Was One of Job's Three Daughters
Kester  (Gaelic)
Bearing Christ; a Gaelic Form of Christopher. (Kes-ter)
Kester  (Greek)
Diminutive of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River
Kestorr  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Kim  (English)
Diminutive of Kimball: Bold Family. Bold Kin. Famous Bearer: the Hero of Rudyard Kipling's Novel 'Kim'
King  (English)
King. King's Field. Title Used As a Surname by the Members of a Royal Household. Famous Bearer: American Film Director King Vidor
Kingsley  (English)
From the King's Wood/Meadow. Used As a First Name Since the Th Century. Famous Bearer: British Novelist Kingsley Amis
Kipr  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Kirk  (Norse)
Church. Dwells at the Church. Famous Bearer: American Actor Kirk Douglas
Kit  (Greek)
Diminutive of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River
Kitr  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Kolbjorn  (Swedish)
Black Bear
Korey  (Irish)
Spear Bearer. Also a Variant of Corey: from the Hollow
Kris  (Greek)
Diminutive of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River
Kris  (Scandinavian)
Scandinavian Diminutive of Christopher: Carrier of Christ. Famous Bearer: American Singer Kris Kristofferson
Kris  (Scandinavian)
Krisalyn  (American)
Beautiful Bearer of Christ
Krisr  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Krista  (Scandinavian)
Christ Bearer
Krista  (English)
Christ Bearer
Kristen  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Kristen  (English)
Christ Bearer
Kristian  (Scandinavian)
Christ Bearer
Kristina  (Slavic)
Christ Bearer
Kristine  (Greek)
Kristof  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Christopher 'Christ Bearer'
Kristofer  (Swedish)
Swedish Form of Christopher 'Christ Bearer'
Kristofer  (English)
Variant of Christopher: He Who Holds Christ in His Heart. Famous Bearers: Actors Christopher Plummer and Christopher Walken; Explorer Christopher Columbus
Kristofor  (English)
Variant of Christopher: He Who Holds Christ in His Heart. Famous Bearers: Actors Christopher Plummer and Christopher Walken; Explorer Christopher Columbus
Kristofr  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Kristopher  (Greek)
Kristor  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Kristos  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Kristy  (Greek)
Krystupasr  (Greek)
Christ Bearer
Krzysztof  (Polish)
Polish Form of Christopher 'Christ Bearer'
Kuma  (Japanese)
Kuma  (Japanese)
Kuruk  (Native American)
Bear (Pawnee)
1332 names found for "Bear"   (page 20 of 27) 

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Additional Names

Saran | Serilda | Julian | Juliska | Averil | Keiko | Reginald | Boas | Slansky | Lyn | Ziv | Chesna | Cecelia | Inteus | Aelfthryth |