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Names That Mean Bear

1332 names found for "Bear"   (page 24 of 27) 

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Looking for names that mean Bear? We couldn't find the exact name Bear, but listed below are some first names meaning Bear or names similar to the word Bear.

Similar Names

Baari | Babar | Bar | Bari | Barr | Bary | Beer | Beera | Beeri | Beor |

Related Names

Notaku  (American)
Growling of a Bear As Someone Passes By
Oberon  (German)
Bear Heart
Oberon  (German)
Noble and Bear-like. in a Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare Altered the Spelling of Auberon (King of the Fairies) to Oberon
Oberon  (German)
Bear Heart
Omar  (Hebrew)
Eloquent. Speaker. The Grandson of Esau in the Old Testament. Famous Bearers: Th Century Persian Poet and Astronomer and Mathematician Omar Khayyam; Caliph Omar Ii, Who Made Islam an Imperial Power; A
Orsin  (Latin)
Orsino  (Italian)
Little Bear
Orson  (Latin)
A Bear
Orson  (Latin)
Bear (Urson)
Orson  (French)
Bear Cub. Famous Bearer: American Actor/Director Orson Welles
Orson  (Latin)
Little Bear. Actor and Director Orson Welles
Orval  (French)
Variant of Orville: Gold Town. Famous Bearer: Aviator Orville Wright (-) Who (Along With His Brother Wilbur) Designed and Built the First True Airplane
Orville  (French)
Gold Town. Famous Bearer: Aviator Orville Wright (-) Who (Along With His Brother Wilbur) Designed and Built the First True Airplane
Osborn  (Scandinavian)
Bear of God
Osborn  (Norse)
Divine Bear
Osborn  (Teutonic)
Divine Bear
Osborn  (Scandinavian)
Sacred Bear (Osborne, Osbourn)
Osborne  (Norse)
Variant of Osborn: Divine Bear
Osboume  (Teutonic)
Divine Bear
Osbourne  (Scandinavian)
Born from a Bear
Oscar  (English)
Divine Spear; God's Spear. Famous Bearer: Poet Oscar Wilde (-), Who Was Put on Trial and Imprisoned for Homosexuality
Ossie  (English)
Diminutive of Oscar: Divine Spear; God's Spear. Famous Bearer: Poet Oscar Wilde (-), Who Was Put on Trial and Imprisoned for Homosexuality
Ossy  (English)
Diminutive of Oscar: Divine Spear; God's Spear. Famous Bearer: Poet Oscar Wilde (-), Who Was Put on Trial and Imprisoned for Homosexuality
Otoahnacto  (Native American)
Bull Bear (Cheyenne)
Ourson  (French)
Little Bear
Owain  (Greek)
Variant of Eugene: Well-born. Famous Bearer: Prince Eugene of Savoy; American Playwright Eugene O'Neill
Owen  (Greek)
Variant of Eugene: Well-born. Famous Bearer: Prince Eugene of Savoy
Pablo  (Spanish)
Variant of Paul: Small. Famous Bearer: Artist Pablo Picasso (-)
Palmer  (English)
Bearing a Palm Branch
Palmer  (English)
Pilgrim; Bearing a Palm Branch
Palmer  (English)
Palm Bearer, Peacemaker
Parker  (English)
Keeper of the Forest; Forest Ranger. Famous Bearer: Actor Parker Stevenson
Peg  (Persian)
Diminutive of Margaret: Child of Light. Famous Bearer: Margaret Thatcher, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Peggy  (Persian)
Diminutive of Margaret: Child of Light. Famous Bearer: Margaret Thatcher, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Phil  (Greek)
Diminutive of Philip: Lover of Horses. King Philip of Macedon Was the Father of Alexander the Great. in the Bible, Philip Was the Name of One of Christ's Apostles. Famous Bearer: Prince Philip, Husban
Philibert  (French)
French Derivitive of the Old German Filibert, Meaning Very Bright. Famous Bearer: Th Century French Abbot St Philibert
Philip  (Greek)
Lover of Horses. King Philip of Macedon Was the Father of Alexander the Great. in the Bible, Philip Was the Name of One of Christ's Apostles. Famous Bearer: Prince Philip, Husband of Queen Elizabeth I
Phurah  (Biblical)
That Bears Fruit; or Grows
Piers  (French)
French Variant of Peter: Stone; a Rock. Famous Bearer: Science-fiction Author Piers Anthony
Pip  (Greek)
Diminutive of Philip: Lover of Horses. King Philip of Macedon Was the Father of Alexander the Great. in the Bible, Philip Was the Name of One of Christ's Apostles. Famous Bearer: Prince Philip, Husban
Prince  (English)
Principal One; First. Famous Bearer: Rock Musician 'Formerly Known As Prince'
Quincy  (Latin)
Born Fifth. Famous Bearer: U.S. President John Quincy Adams (-)
Rab  (German)
Diminutive of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Rab-shakeh  (Biblical)
Cup-bearer of the Prince
Rabbie  (German)
Diminutive of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Raibeart  (Gaelic)
Bright Fame; Gaelic Form of Robert. Short Form: Rab. Pet: Rabbie. (Ray-bert)
Raibeart  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Robert
Raphael  (Hebrew)
God Heals; God's Healer. Raphael Was Also the Name of One of the Archangels, As Mentioned in the Apocrypha. Famous Bearer: Renaissance Painter Raphael (Raffaelo Santi)
Rex  (Latin)
King. Can Also Be a Diminutive of Reginald: Mighty Counselor/Ruler. Famous Bearer: British Actor Rex Harrison
Rick  (Norse)
Diminutive of Eric: Ever or Eternal Ruler. Island Ruler. Famous Bearer: Norwegian Explorer Eric the Red
1332 names found for "Bear"   (page 24 of 27) 

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Additional Names

Clinton | Chasud | Ellette | Mada | Jaxon | Constance | Mahsa | Dietz | Sophie | Lewellyn | Winnifred | Amadi | Zitomira | Adelina | Fannia |