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Names That Mean Bold

152 names found for "Bold"   (page 2 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Bold? We couldn't find the exact name Bold, but listed below are some first names meaning Bold or names similar to the word Bold.

Similar Names

Bald | Boult | Belda |

Related Names

Caleb  (Hebrew)
Meaning Dog, or Bold. Famous Bearer: Caleb Was One of Twelve Islaelite Leaders Sent by Moses to Explore the Promised Land
Cavell  (Teutonic)
Cayle  (English)
Cenehard  (English)
Bold Guardian
Cenewig  (English)
Bold Warrior
Cenewyg  (English)
Bold Warrior
Colin  (Latin)
Dove, Bold, Sentimental, Passionate, Good Looks, But Moderate Intelligence
Conrad  (Teutonic)
Bold Speech
Conrad  (German)
Bold, Wise Counselor
Conradina  (German)
Conradine  (German)
Corrado  (German)
Cort  (Teutonic)
Bold Speech
Cort  (English)
Bold or Short
Cort  (Danish)
Bold Speech
Cynhard  (English)
Bold Guardian
Dhiren  (Hindu)
Bold Person
Diallo  (African)
Eairrdsidh  (Gaelic)
Genuinely Bold, Genuinely Brave; a Gaelic Form of Archie, Which is a Pet Form of Archibald (Genuinely Bold, Genuinely Brave). See Archibald. Variations: Eairrsidh
Enando  (German)
Bold Venture
Erchanbold  (German)
Sacred or Bold
Errando  (Basque)
Bold Venture
Faddei  (Russian)
Variant of Fadey: Bold; Brave
Fadeaushka  (Russian)
Variant of Fadey: Bold; Brave
Fadeuka  (Russian)
Variant of Fadey: Bold; Brave
Fadey  (Russian)
Bold; Brave
Ferdinand  (Scottish)
Peace or Boldness, Manly. Derived from the Spanish Ferdinando
Freca  (English)
Frika  (English)
Garret  (Irish)
Hard or Bold Spear. an Irish Variant of the German Gerard, Based on Medieval Pronunciation. Famous Bearer: Irish Statesman Garret Fitzgerald
Garret  (English)
Variant of Gerald, Meaning 'Rules by the Spear' or 'Hard or Bold Spear.' Also an English Variant of the German Gerard, Based on Medieval Pronunciation
Garrett  (English)
Variant of Gerald, Meaning 'Rules by the Spear' or 'Hard or Bold Spear.' Also an English Variant of the German Gerard, Based on Medieval Pronunciation
Garry  (Irish)
Diminutive of Garret: Hard or Bold Spear. an Irish Variant of the German Gerard, Based on Medieval Pronunciation. Famous Bearer: Irish Statesman Garret Fitzgerald
Gary  (Irish)
Diminutive of Garret: Hard or Bold Spear. an Irish Variant of the German Gerard, Based on Medieval Pronunciation. Famous Bearer: Irish Statesman Garret Fitzgerald
Gary  (English)
Hard or Bold Spear. A Diminutive of Garret, Which is an English Variant of the German Gerard. Also a Diminutive of Gareth and Garrick Famous Bearer: American Actor Gary Cooper
Gerrard  (English)
Hard or Bold Spear. This Name Was Introduced to England from Germany During the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: British Poet Gerard Manley Hopkins
Gerrard  (German)
See Also Jerard. from an Old German Name Meaning Hard, Strong, or Bold Spear
Gilleasbuig  (German)
Gilleasbuig  (Scottish)
Gilleasbuig  (Gaelic)
Sacred and Bold
Grimbold  (Anglo Saxon)
Fierce Bold
Gunnar  (Teutonic)
Bold Warrior
Gunner  (Teutonic)
Bold Warrior
Hardy  (Teutonic)
Bold or Hardy. Strong
Hau  (Vietnamese)
Hernando  (Spanish)
Bold Voyager
Howard  (English)
Bold Heart. Hog-warden. Chief Guardian. Derived from the Old German Huguard. Famous Bearer: American Industrialist Howard Hughes (-)
Kalb  (Hebrew)
Faithful, Bold
Kaleb  (Hebrew)
From Caleb-faithful, Bold
Keegan  (Gaelic)
Small, Bold Flame (Keagan, Keegen, Kegan)
152 names found for "Bold"   (page 2 of 4) 

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Additional Names

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