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Names That Mean Bold

152 names found for "Bold"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Bold? We couldn't find the exact name Bold, but listed below are some first names meaning Bold or names similar to the word Bold.

Similar Names

Bald | Boult | Belda |

Related Names

Kennard  (English)
Kenward  (English)
Bold Guardian
Kenway  (English)
Bold Warrior
Kim  (English)
Diminutive of Kimball: Bold Family. Bold Kin. Famous Bearer: the Hero of Rudyard Kipling's Novel 'Kim'
Kimball  (English)
Bold Family. Bold Kin
Koenraad  (Dutch)
Konrad  (Polish)
Bold Adviser
Kurt  (German)
Diminutive of the German Variant of Conrad: Bold Counsel. Honest Advisor
Len  (German)
Diminutive of Leonard: Hardy Lion or Lion-bold. St Leonard is the Patron Saint of Prisoners. Famous Bearers: American Composer/Conductor Leonard Bernstein; Italian Renaissance Artist/Scientist Leonard
Lenard  (French)
Lenard  (German)
Lennard  (French)
Lennard  (German)
Lenny  (German)
Diminutive of Leonard: Hardy Lion or Lion-bold. St Leonard is the Patron Saint of Prisoners. Famous Bearers: American Composer/Conductor Leonard Bernstein; Italian Renaissance Artist/Scientist Leonard
Leo  (Teutonic)
Bold for His People
Leonard  (German)
Bold Lion (Lee, Leon, Leonid, Lionel, Lyon, Lyonel)
Leonard  (German)
Hardy Lion or Lion-bold. St Leonard is the Patron Saint of Prisoners. Famous Bearers: American Composer/Conductor Leonard Bernstein; Italian Renaissance Artist/Scientist Leonardo Da Vinci (In Italian
Leonard  (French)
Leonardo  (Italian)
Bold Lion
Leonardo  (Portuguese)
Lion-bold. Leonardo Da Vinci is Considered by Many to Be the Most Brilliant and Creative Men Who Ever Lived
Leonardo  (Spanish)
Lion-bold. Leonardo Da Vinci is Considered by Many to Be the Most Brilliant and Creative Men Who Ever Lived
Leone  (Italian)
Bold Lion
Leonie  (German)
Diminutive of Leonard: Hardy Lion or Lion-bold. St Leonard is the Patron Saint of Prisoners. Famous Bearers: American Composer/Conductor Leonard Bernstein; Italian Renaissance Artist/Scientist Leonard
Leopold  (English)
A Bold Man
Leopold  (Teutonic)
Bold for His People
Leopold  (German)
Bold People. Prince of the People
Leopoldo  (Italian)
A Bold Man
Leopoldo  (Portuguese)
A Bold Man
Leopoldo  (Spanish)
A Bold Man
Leorad  (Teutonic)
Bold for His People
Leupold  (Teutonic)
Bold for His People
Luitpold  (Teutonic)
Bold for His People
Nigel  (Latin)
Black, it is Also the English Form of the Celtic Neal, Which See Athletic, Bold
Phinehas  (Biblical)
Bold Aspect, Face of Trust or Protection
Podi  (Teutonic)
Bold for the People
Poldie  (German)
Diminutive of Leopold: Bold People. Prince of the People
Theo  (German)
Diminutive of Theobald: Bold People
Theobald  (German)
Bold People
Thrasius  (Latin)
Tibelda  (German)
Tibelde  (German)
Tibeldie  (German)
Tiebout  (Dutch)
Tioboid  (Gaelic)
Tracy  (Latin)
Tristan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Bold, Melancholy
Tristen  ()
It Means Bold
Trumbald  (English)
Strong or Bold
Trumble  (English)
Strong or Bold
Trumhall  (English)
Strong or Bold
152 names found for "Bold"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Inaki | Torborg | Nityanand | Eliana | Gudrun | Derald | Olympia | Hori | Ziven | Spangler | Bartolomeo | Letitia | Hanford | Parosh | Iphigenia |