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Names That Mean Bright |
475 names found for "Bright" (page 6 of 10) |
Looking for names that mean Bright? We couldn't find the exact name Bright, but listed below are some first names meaning Bright or names similar to the word Bright.
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Related Names
Illustrious Warrior. Army. Bright. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: American President Herbert C. Hoover (-)
Illustrious Warrior. Army. Bright. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: American President Herbert C. Hoover (-)
Diminutive of Herbert: Illustrious Warrior. Army. Bright. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: American President Herbert C. Hoover (-)
Diminutive of Herbert: Illustrious Warrior. Army. Bright. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest. Famous Bearer: American President Herbert C. Hoover (-)
Diminutive of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Diminutive of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Mind Bright, Intellectual, Book-loving, Indulgent, He is Reserved With Strangers. (Hobart, Hoyt, Hubbard)
Mind Bright, Intellectual, Book-loving, Indulgent, He is Reserved With Strangers. (Hobart, Hoyt, Hubbard)
Bright Land. Can Be Used As Both a Surname and First Name. Famous Bearer: Belgian-american Actor Christopher Lambert
Bright Land. Can Be Used As Both a Surname and First Name. Famous Bearer: Belgian-american Actor Christopher Lambert