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Names That Mean Bright

475 names found for "Bright"   (page 9 of 10) 

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Looking for names that mean Bright? We couldn't find the exact name Bright, but listed below are some first names meaning Bright or names similar to the word Bright.

Similar Names

Brighid | Brigid | Brigit |

Related Names

Roxanne  (Persian)
Variant of Roxana: Dawn; Bright
Roxy  (Persian)
Diminutive of Roxana: Dawn; Bright
Rubaina  (Hindu)
Rupert  (French)
Bright Fame
Rupert  (Teutonic)
Bright Fame
Rupert  (German)
Famed; Bright; Shining
Ruperta  (German)
Feminine Form of Rupert: Famed; Bright; Shining
Ruprecht  (German)
Bright Fame
Sabaah  (Muslim)
Variant of Sabah: Morning. Bright
Sabah  (Muslim)
Morning. Bright
Sabooh  (Muslim)
Variant of Sabuh: Bright. Radiant
Sabuh  (Muslim)
Bright. Radiant
Sam  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Samson: Sun Child; Bright Sun
Sammy  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Samson: Sun Child; Bright Sun
Sampson  (Hebrew)
Variant of Samson: Sun Child; Bright Sun
Samson  (Hebrew)
Bright As the Sun
Samson  (Hebrew)
Sun Child; Bright Sun. in the Old Testament, Samson's Great Strength Came from His Long Hair. He Was Seduced by Delilah, Who Cut His Hair Off, Thereby Destroying His Strength
Scirwode  (English)
From the Bright Forest
Seabright  (English)
Glory at Sea
Sheridan  (Gaelic)
Sheridan  (English)
Untamed; Bright
Sherwood  (English)
From the Bright Forest
Shimshon  (Hebrew)
Bright Sun
Shirl  (English)
Diminutive of Shirley: Bright Wood; Bright Meadow, from the White Meadow
Shirley  (English)
Bright Meadow
Shirley  (English)
Bright Wood; Bright Meadow; from the White Meadow. Famous Bearers: Child Star Shirley Temple
Shirlyn  (English)
Bright Meadow
Shuang  (Chinese)
Bright, Clear
Sinclair  (Scottish)
Bright; Clear. from Saint Clair Sur Elle. Famous Bearer: Writer Sinclair Lewis (-)
Sobah  (Muslim)
Variant of Sabah: Morning. Bright
Sorcha  (Scottish)
Bright; Anglicization:Sarah (Princess), Clara (Famous, Clear, Bright). (Sor-ah)
Sorcha  (Irish)
Bright; Intelligent
Sorcha  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Form of Sarah or Bright
Starla  (English)
Bright Star
Suhyal  (Islamic)
Name Referring to the Second-brightest Star in the Southern Skies
Sulwyn  (Welsh)
Bright As the Sun
Sunni  (English)
Bright Disposition (Sunny, Sunnie, Sunita)
Sveta  (Slavic)
Bright Light
Svetlana  (Russian)
Star,Bright (Sveta,Svetochka)
Tait  (Anglo Saxon)
Pleasant and Bright
Taite  (Anglo Saxon)
Pleasant and Bright
Tate  (Anglo Saxon)
Pleasant and Bright
Tayte  (Anglo Saxon)
Pleasant and Bright
Teryl  (English)
Bright and Vivacious
Torht  (Anglo Saxon)
Torhte  (Anglo Saxon)
Ujjwala  (Indian)
bright, lustrous
Ujjwala  (Hindu)
Bright, Lustrous
Uma  (Indian)
Uma  (Hindu)
475 names found for "Bright"   (page 9 of 10) 

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Additional Names

Jocelynn | Pooky | Habazinaiah | Gabbai | Ibernia | Bert | Kalen | Albert | Ameenah | Masroor | Irenke | Rheged | Stefan | Masud | Silwa |