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Names That Mean Child

396 names found for "Child"   (page 4 of 8) 

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Looking for names that mean Child? We couldn't find the exact name Child, but listed below are some first names meaning Child or names similar to the word Child.

Related Names

Jilliann  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Jilliann  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Jillianna  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Jillianne  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Jilly  (English)
Abbreviation of Jillian or Gillian. Jove's Child
Jina  (African)
Named Child. (Swahili)
Jolyon  (Latin)
Variant of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child. from Latin 'Julianus'. Form of Julius and Family Clan Name of Several Powerful Roman Emperors. in the Middle Ages, the Name Julian Was Used for Children of E
Jolyon  (Latin)
Feminine Variant of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child
Jorjanna  (American)
Lovable Country Child
Joyce  (English)
Cheerful. Merry. from the Name of Hermit St Judoc (St Judocus or St Josse), Who Was the Son of a Breton King. in Medieval England, This Name Was Given to Children of Either Gender, Although it is Now
Julee  (French)
Jove's Child. A Feminine of Julian
Juleen  (French)
Jove's Child. A Feminine of Julian
Julian  (English)
Jove's Child. Form of Julius and Family Clan Name of Several Powerful Roman Emperors. Biblical Roman Centurion Julius Saved Paul's Life During a Hazardous Voyage
Julian  (Latin)
Youthful. Jove's Child. from Latin 'Julianus'. Form of Julius and Family Clan Name of Several Powerful Roman Emperors. in the Middle Ages, the Name Julian Was Used for Children of Either Gender, But i
Julianna  (Latin)
Young. Jove's Child. Feminine of Julius
Julianne  (Latin)
Downy Grace. A Compound of the Names Julie and Anne. Also Can Be Interpreted As the Feminine Form of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child
Juliano  (Spanish)
Jove's Child
Julie  (French)
Downy. French Form of Julia. Also Can Be a Feminine Form of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child. Famous Bearer: Actress Julie Andrews
Julieann  (Latin)
Young. Jove's Child. Feminine of Julius
Julieanna  (Latin)
Young. Jove's Child. Feminine of Julius
Julieanne  (Latin)
Jove's Child. Feminine of Julius
Julieanne  (Latin)
Young. Jove's Child. Feminine of Julius
Julien  (French)
Jove's Child
Julienne  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Julian or Julius: Youthful. Jove's Child
Juliet  (French)
Youthful; Variant of Julia. 'Jove's Child.' Star Crossed Lover in the Shakespearian Tragedy Romeo and Juliet
Julieta  (Spanish)
Variant of Julia, from Julian. Jove's Child
Julietta  (Italian)
Variant of Julia. Jove's Child
Juliette  (French)
Youthful. Variant of Julia: Jove's Child
Julina  (Spanish)
Jove's Child. A Feminine of Julian
Julius  (French)
Jove's Child
June  (English)
Derived from the Name of the Sixth Month of the Year. Giving Children Month Names Has Only Become Popular in the Th Century
Junior  (English)
The Young, Child
Juno  (Greek)
Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth
Jyl  (English)
Abbreviation of Jillian or Gillian. Jove's Child
Jyll  (English)
Abbreviation of Jillian or Gillian. 'Jove's Child.'
Jyll  (English)
Abbreviation of Jillian or Gillian. Jove's Child
Jyllina  (English)
Jove's Child. Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
Kameko  (Japanese)
Tortoise Child
Kameko  (Japanese)
Child of the Tortoise
Kamina  ()
Child of Love
Kaya  (Native American)
Wise Child
Kayin  (African)
Long-awaited Child
Kayla  (Arabic)
Wise Child
Keiki  (Hawaiian)
Kenda  (English)
Child of Clear, Cool Water
Keren-happuch  (Biblical)
The Horn or Child of Beauty
Kern  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Dark Haired Child
Kester  (Greek)
Diminutive of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River
Keva  (English)
Beautiful Child. Feminine of Kevin
Kevan  (Irish)
Handsome Child. Variant of Kevin
396 names found for "Child"   (page 4 of 8) 

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