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Names That Mean Child

396 names found for "Child"   (page 1 of 8) 

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Looking for names that mean Child? We couldn't find the exact name Child, but listed below are some first names meaning Child or names similar to the word Child.

Related Names

Aberama  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apelama: He Who Has Many Children
Abhirati  (Indian)
Mother of Five Hundred Children; a Mother Goddess
Abiba  (African)
Child Born After Grandmother Died
Abiram  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apelama: He Who Has Many Children
Adika  (African)
Ghanian Name Given to the First Child from a Second Husband
Adusa  (African)
Ghanian Name Given to the Thirteenth-born Child
Airavata  (Indian)
Child of Water
Akihiko  (Japanese)
Bright Male Child
Alaina  (Irish)
Dear Child
Alaine  (French)
Dear Child
Alana  (Irish)
Beautiful. Dear Child
Alana  (Irish)
Child (Alanah)
Alana  (Gaelic)
This Name of Uncertain Origin May Be a Feminine Form of Man, or Derived from the Irish Gaelic Word for 'Child'
Alani  (Irish)
Beautiful. Dear Child
Alanna  (Irish)
Beautiful. Dear Child
Alanna  (Gaelic)
This Name of Uncertain Origin May Be a Feminine Form of Man, or Derived from the Irish Gaelic Word for 'Child'
Alannah  (Irish)
Beautiful. Dear Child
Alayna  (Irish)
Beautiful. Dear Child
Alayne  (Irish)
Beautiful. Dear Child
Alexis  (Russian)
Defender or Helper. This Russian Masculine Name Became Popular in Britain and the Us, and is Now Given to Children of Either Sexe
Allana  (Irish)
Beautiful. Dear Child
Alona  (Irish)
Beautiful. Dear Child
Alonna  (Irish)
Beautiful. Dear Child
Ama  (African)
Saturday's Child. (Ghanese)
Amaris  (Spanish)
Child of the Moon. The Astrological Name for Cancer
Amarissa  (Spanish)
Derived from Amaris, Child of the Moon, the Astrological Name for Cancer
Ami  (African)
Saturday's Child. (Ghanese)
Ancenned  (Anglo Saxon)
Only Child
Anil  (Hindu)
Child of Wind or Air
Anila  (Hindu)
Children of the Wind
Anum  (African)
Ghanian Name Given to the Fifth Born Child
Aoife  (Irish)
Aoife Was King Lir's Daughter. I.E.: the Children of Lir
Apara  (African)
Nigerian Name Meaning 'Child That Comes and Goes'
Apelama  (Hawaiian)
He Who Has Many Children
Apilama  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apelama: He Who Has Many Children
Appanoose  (Native American)
Sauk Word for Child
Ashkii Dighin  (Native American)
Navajo Name Meaning Sacred Child; Holy Child
Badu  (African)
Tenth Born Child
Bairn  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Child, Born
Bala  (Hindu)
Balen  (Hindu)
Variant of Bala: Child
Balu  (Hindu)
Diminutive of Balabhadra: Fortunate; Lucky. Also a Variant of Bala: Child
Balun  (Hindu)
Variant of Bala: Child
Bambi  (Italian)
Little Child; Bambino. Pet Name
Bambi  (Italian)
Bamhi  (Italian)
Little Child; Bambino. Pet Name
Beagin  (Gaelic)
Variant of Beagan: Small Child
Beatrix  (Latin)
Bringer of Joy, Brings Joy. Famous Bearers: Beatrix Was Mentioned in the Domesday Book of Twentieth Century Children's Writer and Illustrator Beatrix Potter Created Peter Rabbit
Beau  (French)
Beautiful Child
Ben  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Benjamin: Son of My Right Hand. Many Jewish Families Named Their Youngest Child Benjamin. Famous Bearers: Th Century British Statesman Benjamin Disraeli. Dustin Hoffman's Character in th
396 names found for "Child"   (page 1 of 8) 

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Additional Names

Alao | Adora | Antoine | Iona | Allison | Sandie | Zakir | Bela | Eadlyn | Robert | Iker | Swinton | Sceley | Humaa' | Brandubh |