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Names That Mean Dear

201 names found for "Dear"   (page 3 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Dear? We couldn't find the exact name Dear, but listed below are some first names meaning Dear or names similar to the word Dear.

Similar Names

Dar | Dara | Dare | Dary | D'Ary | Deror | Derry | Didar | Dor | Dour |

Related Names

Darrel  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'. Also a Variant of Darrell
Darrell  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Darrellyn  (English)
Variant of Daryl: Dearly Loved
Darrill  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Darrill  (English)
Variant of Daryl: Dearly Loved
Darrol  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Darryll  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Darryll  (English)
Variant of Daryl: Dearly Loved
Darwin  (English)
Dear Friend
Darwin  (English)
Dear Friend. Nineteenth-century Naturalist Charles Darwin Was the First Major Exponent of Human Evolution
Daryl  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Daryl  (French)
Dear, Beloved
Daryl  (English)
Dearly Loved. The Name Daryl for Girls Was Made Popular by Actress Daryl Hannah
Darylene  (English)
Variant of Daryl: Dearly Loved
Daryll  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Daryll  (English)
Variant of Daryl: Dearly Loved
Darylyn  (English)
Variant of Daryl: Dearly Loved
Davey  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
David  (Biblical)
'Well-beloved, Dear'
Davida  (Latin)
Dearly Loved
Davin  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Dearan  (Gaelic)
Dearbhail  (Irish)
True Desire
Dearborn  (English)
From the Deer Brook
Dearbourn  (English)
Variant of Dearborn: Deer River
Dearbourne  (English)
From the Deer Brook
Deardriu  (Gaelic)
Dearg  (German)
Red Haired
Dearg  (Scottish)
Dearg  (Celtic)
Son of Daghda
Deerborn  (English)
Variant of Dearborn: Deer River
Durwin  (Anglo Saxon)
Dear Friend
Durwyn  (Anglo Saxon)
Dear Friend
Duscha  (Russian)
Soul, Term of Endearment
Dyre  (Norse)
Valuable; Dear
Dyre  (Scandinavian)
Dear Heart
Dyri  (Norse)
Eideard  (Gaelic)
Rich Guardian
Eideard  (Scottish)
Rich Protector
Eideard  (English)
Wealthy Guardian
Eideard  (Gaelic)
Wealthy Guardian
Eudard  (Scottish)
Variant of Eideard: Rich Protector
Euna  (Scottish)
Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Una ('Dearth, Feminine' or 'Lamb'), a Name of Uncertain Meaning. (Yoo-nah)
Farquar  (Scottish)
Variant of Farquhar: Dear One
Farquarson  (Scottish)
Variant of Farquhar: Dear One
Farquhar  (English)
Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Fearchar (Dear Man). (Fahr-kwar)
Farquhar  (Scottish)
From the Gaelic Fearchar, Meaning 'Friendly Man' or 'Very Dear One'. Famous Bearer: an Early King of Scotland
Farquhar  (Gaelic)
Very Dear
Farquharson  (Scottish)
Son of the Dear One
Fearchar  (Gaelic)
Dear Man; a Compound Name Composed of the Gaelic Ements Fear (Man) and Char (Dear). Anglicization: Farquhar. (Fahr-kahr)
201 names found for "Dear"   (page 3 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Kuri | Rossa | Basham | Alayne | Charity | Myrick | Madhavi | Zereld | Napoleon | Onan | Malcom | Zebulon | Aafreeda | Hazael | Meagan |