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Names That Mean Dear

201 names found for "Dear"   (page 4 of 5) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Looking for names that mean Dear? We couldn't find the exact name Dear, but listed below are some first names meaning Dear or names similar to the word Dear.

Similar Names

Dar | Dara | Dare | Dary | D'Ary | Deror | Derry | Didar | Dor | Dour |

Related Names

Fearchar  (Scottish)
Dear One
Fearchara  (Scottish)
Fearcharia  (Scottish)
Fearcher  (Gaelic)
Very Dear
Habib  (Islamic)
Beloved, Dear
Habib  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Haviv  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chaviv: Dear
Kalila  (Arabic)
Dearly Loved
Kara  (Italian)
Dear, Beloved. from the Feminine Form of Italian 'Cara' or the Latin 'Carus'
Kara  (Russian)
Little Dear One
Karessa  (Greek)
Very Dear
Karessa  (Greek)
Very Dear
Karina  (Scandinavian)
Dear Little One
Karina  (Italian)
Dear, Beloved. from the Feminine Form of Italian 'Cara' or the Latin 'Carus'
Karisa  (Greek)
Very Dear
Karissa  (Greek)
Very Dear
Karissa  (Latin)
Very Dear
Koma  (Japanese)
Filly, Term of Endearment (Komako)
Leif  (Swedish)
Dearly Loved
Leofric  (English)
Dear Ruler. The Husband of Lady Godiva in the Th Century
Leola  (Teutonic)
Li-paz  (Hebrew)
The Meaning of 'Paz' is Gold,Tresure,Very Dear. My Dear, My Gold Etc
Loefel  (English)
Dearly Loved
Lovell  (English)
Dearly Loved
Lowell  (English)
Dearly Loved
Lyfing  (English)
Dearly Loved
Mahboob  (Muslim)
Variant of Mahbub: Beloved. Dear
Mahbub  (Muslim)
Beloved. Dear
Maitane  (English)
Dearly Loved
Maite  (English)
Dearly Loved
Maitena  (English)
Dearly Loved
Morna  (Celtic)
Dearly Loved or Tender
Nadir  (Arabic)
Dearly Loved
Nadir  (Muslim)
Rare. Precious. Dear
Omdearoop  (Hindu)
Ove  (Celtic)
Mythical Daughter of Dearg
Peader  (Gaelic)
A Rock, Stone; Popular Gaelic Form of Peter (A Rock, a Stone). Pet Name: Peidearan. (Pee-der)
Poshita  (Indian)
Dearly Loved
Sheree  (Contemporary)
Dear/Dearest Adapted from Cherie
Sherri  (English)
From the French 'Cheri' Meaning Darling or Dear One. Also, from the White Meadow
Sherry  (English)
From the French 'Cheri' Meaning Darling or Dear One. Also, from the White Meadow
Taaveti  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Taavi  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Tamatha  (American)
Dear Tammy
Tevel  (Yiddish)
Dearly Loved
Una  (Scottish)
Believed to Be Derived from the Gaelic Una (Dearth, Famine, Hunger), and Also from Uan (Lamb). Anglicizations As Euna, Agnes, and Winifred. (Yoo-nah)
Vallabh  (Indian)
beloved, dear
Vida  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Vidette  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Wilbur  (Anglo Saxon)
Dearly Loved Stronghold
201 names found for "Dear"   (page 4 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Josue | In'am | Alano | Vili | Omora | Sorine | Gail | Myron | Fulla | Elene | Royden | Ham | Hegai | Raysel | Ebronah |