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Names That Mean Divine

269 names found for "Divine"   (page 3 of 6) 

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Looking for names that mean Divine? We couldn't find the exact name Divine, but listed below are some first names meaning Divine or names similar to the word Divine.

Similar Names

Davin | Devin | Devine | Divon | Davina | Davine | Devina | Devinee | Divina | Divone |

Related Names

Devanna  (English)
Devi  (Sanskrit)
Divine. A Mythological Hindu Title Relating to Shiva's Wife Who is Known by Different Names According to Her Exercise of Power for Good or Ill
Devin  (French)
Divine; Perfect
Devin  (Latin)
Divine; Perfect
Devin  (French)
Devin  (English)
Devina  (Latin)
Divine One
Devona  (English)
Divine. Also, from Devonshire
Devona  (French)
Devona  (Celtic)
Divine One
Devondra  (French)
Devondra  (English)
Devonna  (English)
Divine. Also, from Devonshire
Devonna  (French)
Devonne  (French)
Devonne  (English)
Devyn  (French)
Devyn  (English)
Devynn  (French)
Devynn  (English)
Diahann  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
Diahna  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
Dian  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
Diana  (Latin)
The Archer, Divine Goddess, Perfect (Deanna, Di, Diane, Dianna, Dianne, Dyan, Dyanne, Dyanna)
Diana  (English)
Divine; Derived from the Latin Diviana, Which is from Divus (Divine). Short Form: Di. (Dl-an-nah)
Diana  (Greek)
Dianda  (English)
Blend of Deanne (Divine) Plus Variants of Andrea (Masculine) and Sandra (Protector of Man. )
Diandra  (American)
Rare and Divine Flower
Diandra  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
Diandra  (English)
Blend of Deanne (Divine) Plus Variants of Andrea (Masculine) and Sandra (Protector of Man. )
Diandre  (English)
Blend of Deanne (Divine) Plus Variants of Andrea (Masculine) and Sandra (Protector of Man. )
Diane  (French)
The French Form of the Latin Diana. Famous Bearer: Diane De Poitiers, Mistress of France's King Henri Ii.Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Dep
Dianna  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
Diannah  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
Dianne  (French)
The French Form of the Latin Diana. Famous Bearer: Diane De Poitiers, Mistress of France's King Henri Ii.Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Dep
Diantha  (English)
Modern Blend of Diana (Divine Huntress) and Anthea (Flower)
Diantha  (Greek)
Divine Flower
Dionysius  (Biblical)
Divinely Touched
Diva  (Celtic)
Divine One
Divina  (Latin)
Divine One
Divone  (Celtic)
Divine One
Divya  (Hindu)
Divya  (Hindu)
Divine Brilliance
Divyaprakash  (Hindu)
Divine Glow
Dordei  (Greek)
Divine Gift
Dordie  (Greek)
Divine Gift
Duscha  (Slavic)
Divine Spirit
Dyana  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
Dyann  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
Dyanna  (French)
Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Also Diana Princess of Wales
269 names found for "Divine"   (page 3 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Alicia | Asenka | Varvara | Tranquilla | Rhosyn | Fearcharia | Lilis | Helbon | Garmangahis | Owain | Ibniah | Ilyssa | Mikio | Aeolus | Thurleah |