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Names That Mean Divine

269 names found for "Divine"   (page 4 of 6) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Looking for names that mean Divine? We couldn't find the exact name Divine, but listed below are some first names meaning Divine or names similar to the word Divine.

Similar Names

Davin | Devin | Devine | Divon | Davina | Davine | Devina | Devinee | Divina | Divone |

Related Names

Ebbe  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Esbjorn: Divine Bear
Errapel  (Basque)
Divine Healer
Errapel  (Hebrew)
Divine Healer
Esben  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Esbjorn: Divine Bear
Esbern  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Esbjorn: Divine Bear
Esbjorn  (Scandinavian)
Divine Bear
Fadyenka  (Teutonic)
Divine Gift
Fedor  (Greek)
Divine Gift
Fedora  (Greek)
Divine Gift
Fedya  (Teutonic)
Divine Gift
Feodor  (Greek)
Divine Gift
Fydor  (Teutonic)
Divine Gift
Fyodor  (Russian)
Divine Gift (Fedya,Fedyenka)
Geoffrey  (French)
Divine Peace
Glenda  (Welsh)
Divine Goodness, of Great Good
Goddard  (Teutonic)
Divinely Stern
Godwin  (Teutonic)
Divine Friend, Idealistic, Impractical, Imaginative
Gottfried  (Dutch)
Divinely Peaceful
Gotthard  (Dutch)
Divinely Firm
Gotthard  (Teutonic)
Divinely Stern
Govert  (Teutonic)
Divine Peace
Gudrid  (Norse)
Divinely Inspired Wisdom
Gudrun  (Norse)
Divinely Inspired Wisdom
Gudrun  (Danish)
Divine Wisdom
Gudrun  (German)
Divine Knowledge
Gudruna  (German)
Divine Knowledge
Guro  (Norse)
Divinely Inspired Wisdom
Gustava  (Swedish)
Divine Staff
Hanita  (Hindu)
Divine Grace
Iris  (Latin)
Diminutive of Beatrice F: a Variant of Beatrix Meaning Bringer of Joy. in the Divine Comedy, Beatrice Was Dante's Guide Through Paradise, Perhaps Inspired by Beatrice Portinari Who Was Dante's Earlies
Jeffrey  (French)
Divine Peace
Jeoffroi  (French)
Divine Peace
Laquan  (Spanish)
Beautiful, Divine
Matrika  (Indian)
Divine Mother
Matrika  (Hindu)
Divine Mother
Miracle  (American)
Divine Act
Neith  (Egyptian)
The Divine Mother
Neith  (Egyptian)
Divine Mother
Net  (Egyptian)
The Divine Mother
Oracula  (Latin)
Divine Message
Orella  (Latin)
Divine Message
Os  (English)
Os  (Norse)
Osbart  (English)
Divinely Brilliant
Osbeorht  (English)
Divinely Brilliant
Osbert  (English)
Divinely Brilliant
Osborn  (Norse)
Divine Bear
Osborn  (Teutonic)
Divine Bear
Osborn  (English)
Divine Warrior
Osborne  (Norse)
Variant of Osborn: Divine Bear
269 names found for "Divine"   (page 4 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Chezarina | Caca | Larena | Pat | Maxfield | Thorgerd | Iachimo | Abdal Halim | Stok | Jeanina | Cedron | Mathild | Aubrey | Oracula | Zora |