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Names That Mean Estate

124 names found for "Estate"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Estate? We couldn't find the exact name Estate, but listed below are some first names meaning Estate or names similar to the word Estate.

Similar Names

Este | Esta | Estee |

Related Names

Henning  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Henri  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Henrich  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Henrik  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Henryk  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Henty  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Heromin  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Hinrich  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Horton  (English)
From the Gray Estate
Houghton  (English)
From the Estate on the Bluff
Hristun  (English)
From the Brushwood Estate
Hrocby  (English)
From the Crow's Estate
Hsmilton  (English)
From the Grassy Estate
Huntington  (English)
The Hunter's Estate (Hunt)
Hutton  (English)
From the Estate on the Ridge
Hwertun  (English)
From the Estate at the Hollow
Isenham  (English)
From the Iron One's Estate
Isham  (English)
From the Iron One's Estate
Kenton  (English)
Castle Estate
Kingston  (English)
From the King's Village or Estate 'King's Field.' King is One of Several Titles Occasionally Used As Given Names
Kuanbyr  (Norse)
From the Woman's Estate
Lacy  (Latin)
From Latius's Estate
Lanston  (English)
From the Long Estate
Manneville  (French)
From the Great Estate
Manton  (English)
From Mann's Estate
Manvel  (Latin)
From a Great Estate
Manvil  (Latin)
From a Great Estate
Manville  (French)
From the Great Estate
Merton  (English)
Settlement by a Lake. from the Estate by the Lake
Newton  (Anglo Saxon)
From the New Estate
Picaworth  (English)
From the Woodcutter's Estate
Pickworth  (English)
From the Woodcutter's Estate
Putnam  (English)
From the Commander's Estate
Quentin  (English)
From the Queen's Estate
Quimby  (Norse)
From the Woman's Estate
Quinby  (Scandinavian)
From the Woman's Estate
Remi  (English)
From the Raven Estates; Short Form of Remington
Remington  (Teutonic)
From the Raven Estate
Rugby  (English)
From the Raven's Estate
Seaton  (Anglo Saxon)
From Sai's Estate
Skelton  (English)
From the Estate on the Ledge
Skipton  (English)
From the Sheep Estate
Somerton  (English)
From the Summer Estate
Somerville  (French)
From the Summer Estate
Stewart  (Scottish)
Steward. A Medieval Steward Was Charged With the Care of Castle and Estate Affairs. Also a Variant of Stuart (The Royal House of Scotland from the Th to the Th Century). Surname
Stu  (English)
Keeper of the Estate
Stuart  (English)
Estate Keeper (Stewart)
Stuart  (English)
Keeper of the Estate
Sumarville  (French)
From the Summer Estate
Sumerton  (English)
From the Summer Estate
124 names found for "Estate"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Thomkins | Agatha | Qays | Kenrick | Lucan | Jocelyn | Joanna | Lorelei | Asenath | Kermichil | Kyleigh | Brakenbury | Abeytu | Botulf | Debby |