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Names That Mean Estate

124 names found for "Estate"   (page 3 of 3) 

1 | 2 | 3

Looking for names that mean Estate? We couldn't find the exact name Estate, but listed below are some first names meaning Estate or names similar to the word Estate.

Similar Names

Este | Esta | Estee |

Related Names

Sumertun  (English)
From the Summer Estate
Symington  (English)
From Simon's Estate
Symontun  (English)
From Simon's Estate
Tarleton  (English)
From the Thunder Estate
Thoraldtun  (English)
From the Thunder Estate
Tilton  (English)
From the Good Estate
Villetta  (French)
From the Countly Estate
Villette  (French)
From the Countly Estate
Wadsworth  (English)
From Wade's Estate
Wellington  (Anglo Saxon)
From the Wealthy Estate
Wellington  (English)
From the Wealthy Estate
Wentworth  (English)
From the White One's Estate
Weolingtun  (English)
From the Wealthy Estate
Wharton  (English)
From the Estate at the Hollow
Whitney  (English)
From the White Haired Man's Estate
Winetorp  (English)
From Wine's Estate
Wintanweorth  (English)
From the White One's Estate
Winthorp  (English)
From Wine's Estate
Winthrop  (English)
Friend's Village; Friend's Farm; from Wine's Estate
Wittatun  (English)
From the Wise Man's Estate
Witton  (English)
From the Wise Man's Estate
Wynthrop  (English)
From Wine's Estate
York  (English)
From the Bear Estate
York  (Celtic)
From the Yew Estate (Yorke)

Additional Names

Marina | Hedin | Wendy | Kathy | Jamielee | Hernando | Terese | Anem | Mireya | Bahurim | Pellean | Kyrie | Pul | Timothea | Jessamina |