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Names That Mean Farm

347 names found for "Farm"   (page 5 of 7) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Looking for names that mean Farm? We couldn't find the exact name Farm, but listed below are some first names meaning Farm or names similar to the word Farm.

Similar Names

Faran | Farin | Farman | Farmon | Farnam | Farnum | Faron | Farun | Faren | Faryn |

Related Names

Manton  (English)
From the Hero's Town or Farm
Marston  (English)
From the Farm by the Pool 'Town Near the Marsh.'
Merestun  (English)
From the Farm by the Pool
Merton  (Anglo Saxon)
From the Farm by the Sea
Migron  (Biblical)
Fear, Farm, Throat
Migron  (Biblical)
Fear, Farm, Throat
Milton  (English)
From the Mill Farm. Famous Bearer: Th Century British Poet, John Milton
Morton  (English)
From the Farm Near the Moor
Moulton  (English)
From the Mule Farm
Newton  (English)
New Town; from the New Farm
Noma  (African)
Northrop  (English)
From the North Farm
Northrop  (English)
Northern Farm
Northrup  (English)
From the North Farm
Northtun  (English)
From the North Farm
Nortin  (English)
From the North Farm
Norton  (Anglo Saxon)
From the North Farm
Norton  (English)
From the North Farm
Oratun  (English)
From the Shore Farm
Ortensia  (Latin)
Ortensiana  (Latin)
Ortensie  (Latin)
Orton  (English)
From the Shore Farm
Ortun  (English)
From the Shore Farm
Oxnatun  (English)
From the Ox Farm
Oxton  (English)
From the Ox Farm
Pabiyan  (Russian)
Russian Form of Fabian 'Bean Farmer'
Paegastun  (English)
From the Fighter's Farm
Parlan  (Scottish)
Pax  (English)
From the Peaceful Farm
Paxton  (English)
From the Peaceful Farm
Paxtun  (English)
From the Peaceful Farm
Payden  (English)
From the Fighter's Farm
Payton  (English)
From the Fighter's Farm
Pelltun  (English)
From the Pool Farm
Pemton  (English)
From the Pool Farm
Penton  (English)
From the Enclosed Farm
Peyton  (English)
From the Fighter's Farm
Pfeostun  (English)
From the Priest's Farm
Prestin  (English)
From the Priest's Farm
Remington  (English)
From the Raven Farm. Tv Detective Character Renington Steele. Surname
Renton  (English)
From the Raven Farm
Rider  (English)
Farmer (Ryder)
Rider  (English)
Riston  (English)
From the Brushwood Farm
Ryton  (English)
Rygetun - from the Rye Farm
Saketh  (Hindu)
Farmer Man of Ayodha
Salhtun  (English)
Lives Near the Willow Farm
Salton  (English)
Lives Near the Willow Farm
Santon  (English)
From the Sandy Farm
347 names found for "Farm"   (page 5 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Evza | Enid | Chuong | Falala | Caw | Deborah | Sayid | Degataga | Gymir | Ashenford | Lalasa | Memphis | Bonner | Junia | Babar |