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Names That Mean Farm

347 names found for "Farm"   (page 7 of 7) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Looking for names that mean Farm? We couldn't find the exact name Farm, but listed below are some first names meaning Farm or names similar to the word Farm.

Similar Names

Faran | Farin | Farman | Farmon | Farnam | Farnum | Faron | Farun | Faren | Faryn |

Related Names

Warton  (English)
From the Farm by the Weir
Wartun  (English)
From the Farm by the Weir
Washington  (English)
From the Intelligent One's Farm; from the Town of Wassa's People. Famous Bearer: First U.S. President, George Washington (-)
Wealaworth  (English)
From the Welshman's Farm or Welsh Friend
Weatherby  (English)
From the Wether Sheep Farm
Weiford  (English)
From the Farm by the Weir
Welby  (Scandinavian)
From the Farm by the Spring
Welby  (English)
From the Spring Farm
Welton  (English)
From the Spring Farm
Weorth  (English)
From the Farm
Westby  (English)
From the West Farm
Wetherby  (English)
From the Wether Sheep Farm
Wethrby  (English)
From the Wether Sheep Farm
Whitby  (English)
Farm With White Walls
Whitby  (English)
From the White Farm
Wiellaby  (English)
From the Spring Farm
Wiellatun  (English)
From the Spring Farm
Willoughby  (English)
Farm of Willows
Willoughby  (English)
From the Willow Farm
Wilton  (English)
Farm by the Spring
Wilton  (English)
From the Farm by the Spring
Wilton  (English)
From the Farm With a Spring (Will, Willie, Wilt)
Winthrop  (English)
Friend's Village; Friend's Farm; from Wine's Estate
Winton  (English)
From Wine's Farm
Worth  (English)
From the Farm
Worth  (English)
From the Farmland
Worton  (English)
From the Vegetable Farm
WyIltun  (English)
From the Farm by the Spring
Wyligby  (English)
From the Willow Farm
Wynston  (English)
From Wine's Farm
Wyrttun  (English)
From the Vegetable Farm
Yehor  (Greek)
Yjo  (Greek)
Yorick  (Danish)
Farmer (York)
Yura  (Greek)
Yura  (Russian)
Yure  (Greek)
Yure  (Ukrainian)
Yuri  (Greek)
Yurii  (Russian)
Farmer (Yura,Yurochka)
Yurii  (Greek)
Yurii  (Russian)
Yurik  (Russian)
Yurochka  (Greek)
Yurochka  (Russian)
Zhorah  (Russian)
Zory  (Russian)
347 names found for "Farm"   (page 7 of 7) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Additional Names

Kristoff | Candace | Angeni | Alistir | FaIIon | Oonagh | Shilhim | Nupura | Amelita | Solly | Jerry | Nieve | Rena | Ranae | Talib |