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Names That Mean Goddess

442 names found for "Goddess"   (page 7 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean Goddess? We couldn't find the exact name Goddess, but listed below are some first names meaning Goddess or names similar to the word Goddess.

Related Names

Mearah  (Hebrew)
Cave, or Entrance to the Goddess
Medea  (Greek)
Medea  (Greek)
Part Goddess
Meditrina  (Latin)
Goddess of Healing
Mimis  (Greek)
Goddess of Harvest
Minerva  (Latin)
Goddess of Wisdom
Minerva  (Latin)
Mind; to Remember. Minerva Was the Roman Goddess of Wisdom, Arts, Crafts, and of War
Mnemosyne  (Greek)
Goddess of Memory
Modron  (Arthurian Legend)
A Goddess and Possible Precursor of Morgan Le Fey
Monicalaure  (French)
Monicalaure  (Greek)
Morrigan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
War Goddess
Morrigan  (Celtic)
A War Goddess
Muta  (Latin)
Goddess of Silence
Nakoma  (Native American)
Earth Goddess
Nascio  (Latin)
Goddess of Childbirth
Naunet  (Egyptian)
Mythical Goddess of the Ocean
Nebt het  (Egyptian)
Mythical Nature Goddess
Nekhbet  (Egyptian)
Mythical Vulture Goddess
Nemesio  (Spanish)
Named for Nemesis 'Goddess of Vengeance'
Nemesis  (Greek)
Goddess of Vengeance
Nenet  (Arabic)
Goddess of the Deep
Nephthys  (Egyptian)
Mythical Nature Goddess Daughter of Nut and Geb
Nerthus  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a Goddess
Nick  (English)
Diminutive of Dominick: Lord. Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nickson  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nicky  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nico  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nidra  (Indian)
Goddess of Sleep
Nik  (English)
Diminutive of Dominick: Lord. Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nike  (Greek)
In Greek Mythology Nike Was the Goddess of Victory
Nikita  (Russian)
From the Mythological Greek Nike - Goddess of Victory
Nikki  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nikki  (Greek)
In Greek Mythology Nike Was the Goddess of Victory
Nikko  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Niko  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nikos  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nitya  (Hindu)
Goddess Parvati
Nitya  (Indian)
goddess Parvati
Niut  (Egyptian)
Mythical Goddess of Nothingness
Nixi  (Latin)
Goddesses Who Helped With Childbirth
Nixon  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Nox  (Latin)
Goddess of Night
Nox  (Greek)
Goddess of the Night
Numeria  (Latin)
Goddesses Who Helped With Childbirth
Nut  (Egyptian)
Mythical Sky Goddess
Nykko  (English)
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike Was Greek Goddess of Victory and Root Origin of 'Nicholas.'
Ops  (Latin)
Goddess of Plenty
Padma  (Hindu)
Pales  (Latin)
Goddess of Shepherds and Flocks
442 names found for "Goddess"   (page 7 of 9) 

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Additional Names

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