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Names That Mean Goddess

442 names found for "Goddess"   (page 9 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean Goddess? We couldn't find the exact name Goddess, but listed below are some first names meaning Goddess or names similar to the word Goddess.

Related Names

Tauret  (Egyptian)
Goddess of Pregnant Women
Tauret  (Egyptian)
Mythical Goddess of Pregnant Women
Teah  (Greek)
Goddess; Godly. Also Abbreviation of Names Like Althea and Dorothea. The Mythological Thea Was Greek Goddess of Light and Mother of the Sun; Moon and Dawn
Teralyn  (Latin)
The Planet Earth. Famous Bearer: Mythological Terra, the Roman Earth Goddess Equivalent to the Greek Gaia
Terra  (Latin)
The Planet Earth. Famous Bearer: Mythological Terra, the Roman Earth Goddess Equivalent to the Greek Gaia
Terrah  (Latin)
The Planet Earth. Famous Bearer: Mythological Terra, the Roman Earth Goddess Equivalent to the Greek Gaia
Thea  (Greek)
Gift of God; Also Known As Goddess
Thea  (Greek)
Thea  (Greek)
Goddess, Truth, Truthful One (Tia, Tiah, Teah, Tea)
Thea  (Greek)
Goddess; Godly. Also As Abbreviation of Names Like Althea and Dorothea. The Mythological Thea Was Greek Goddess of Light and Mother of the Sun, Moon and Dawn
Thora  (Norse)
Thorir  (Norse)
Thyra  (Greek)
A Window or Goddess of Dawn
Tia  (Greek)
Goddess; Godly. Also Abbreviation of Names Like Althea and Dorothea. The Mythological Thea Was Greek Goddess of Light and Mother of the Sun; Moon and Dawn
Tiah  (Greek)
Goddess; Godly. Also Abbreviation of Names Like Althea and Dorothea. The Mythological Thea Was Greek Goddess of Light and Mother of the Sun; Moon and Dawn
Tora  (Norse)
Tordis  (Norse)
Tutilina  (Latin)
Goddess of Harvest
Tyronica  (African American)
Goddess of Battle
Uadjit  (Egyptian)
Mythical Cobra Goddess
Uma  (Hindu)
Mother Goddess
Umika  (Hindu)
Vallari  (Hindu)
Vanessa  (Greek)
Butterfly. Also, from Phanessa, the Mystic Goddess of an Ancient Greek Brotherhood
Vania  (Greek)
Diminutive of Vanessa: Butterfly. Also, from Phanessa, the Mystic Goddess of an Ancient Greek Brotherhood
Vanisa  (Hindu)
Goddess of the Forest
Vanna  (Greek)
Diminutive of Vanessa: Butterfly. Also, from Phanessa, the Mystic Goddess of an Ancient Greek Brotherhood
Vanny  (Greek)
Diminutive of Vanessa: Butterfly. Also, from Phanessa, the Mystic Goddess of an Ancient Greek Brotherhood
Varunani  (Indian)
Goddess of Wine
Varuni  (Hindu)
A Goddess
Varuni  (Indian)
a goddess
Vema  (Indian)
Goddess of Sex
Venita  (Latin)
Goddess of Love and Beauty
Venus  (Latin)
Goddess of Love and Beauty
Venus  (Greek)
Goddess of Love
Vesta  (Latin)
Goddess of the Hearth
Vijayalakshmi  (Hindu)
Goddess of Victory
Vijayalakshmi  (Indian)
goddess of victory
Viradecthis  (Anglo Saxon)
A Tungrian Goddess
Vor  (Norse)
An Omniscient Goddess
Yogalakshmi  (Hindu)
Goddess of Wealth
Ziarre  (American)
Goddess of the Sky
442 names found for "Goddess"   (page 9 of 9) 

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Additional Names

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